
water in openGL

Started by March 14, 2002 02:39 PM
1 comment, last by miles vignol 22 years, 11 months ago
so what''s a good technique? I''ve tried the reflection vector on rippled surface method, but it''s too glassy looking (and a bit slow). Right now I''m just using a couple texture maps moving at different rates (multitextured) and have a few reflections but no ripple. It looks okay, but I dunno... I need something else. It may just be my textures aren''t up to snuff. Anybody got some good pics of water in 3D games? If I could see somebody pull it off, I might be able to fix what I''ve got going on.
I really SUCK at computer art. I am a master at drawing with a pencil, but at .bmp, .tga, .jpeg, ect...i SUCK. If you are good at drawing free hand, make a drawing, and outline it with a THIN sharpie pen. Then scan it in, add some color, and bam, there you go. It worked for me a few times, although i did more like buildings...never really tried like water, or grass or somthing, so that methiod probly wont work too well. And if you cant draw like a artist, dont even bother, you need alot of skill, but i do better that way then with a computer app...kinda weird

[EDIT] to tell??? lol

[edited by - DarkHunter on March 14, 2002 7:52:08 PM]
well there was one thing I thought of :

draw a "Block" with water into the stencil buffer, then you add some Sine waves, and then you have it, but well, since that''s image preprocessing, it might be a bit slow
I hate signatures !!!

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