
Found what I wan't to do but need help.....

Started by February 23, 2000 12:42 AM
6 comments, last by -Kytis- 25 years ago
I have figured out I wan''t to become a game programmer.... possible game AI or effects.... I have little idea on where to start... I have a Ti-82 (piece of crap) which I have programmed some simple stuff on... I understand the big programs (like tetris, doom, etc..) and how they fit together but don''t know how to put it toghether from scratch yet. Anyway, I am wondering what would be the best language to learn first and where to go from there. I am constantly hearing C this and C++ that but I am thinking those are too advanced for a real "beginner" who doesn''t know jack. If it helps I already know HTML.... -KYTIS-
really i think the opposite about c++. i think it''s better to learn it first because you''ll start off learning some good structure and stuff like that. really.. it''s not that hard to learn.
most people will learn the language itself and say they are a programmer. i strongly disagree and think everyone should with that. the hardest part of programming is the logic and structure of how it works. once you learn this then you can learn any language with ease. it''s just a case of memorizing it mostly. all languages are different but they all use the same basic principles.
And no i don''t think HTML will really help ya hehe.

that''s my belief and i''m sure there is someone who disagrees with me.

I agree, learning the language is the easy part. Learning how it works, that takes some practice. You can only learn by doing when it comes to programming.

I reccomend C++, just don''t expect being able to programming Quake 3 after you finsih reading your first book
This is a question that comes up a lot, so we have several articles to address it. Look at the "Start Here" page linked from the main pages of the site and you''ll find links to those articles.
C and C++ are the last languages i think of when i hear structure (besides Perl).
I strongly suggest c++. Don''t bother with C. It is like trying to teach a spineless jellyfish not to slouch. I have found that C is not really structured very well.

- Moe -

ps - dont flame me too bad about this
Actually, I started out knowing only HTML and VBScript. Ktyis, VBScript helps out some, by teaching you stuff about IF statements, etc. Also, buy some programming books (I recommend "Teach yourself C in 24 hours" by Tony Zhang), and you should be able to program games soon enough.

- DarkMage139
- DarkMage139
Well, the majority has spoken! Learn C++! Keep in mind that reading books won''t teach you a thing if you don''t use it. I would suggest reading one book and doing all of the hands on things it says to do. After that, make a GAME! Try making a Tetris clone, it''s a lot simpler than it may seem.


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