
another vertex array question

Started by March 12, 2002 04:26 PM
4 comments, last by nitzan 22 years, 11 months ago
How many triangles do I have to draw with a triangle strip vertex array to overcome the overhead of calling a vertex array ? I tried called two triangles with vertex arrays and it was slower then in immediate mode. Will 4 triangles be faster ? 6 ? 8 ? This is with a Geforce 1 DDR, Win2k, P3 800. Nitzan ------------------------- -------------------------
Try +100.

you had lower framerate becouse overhead of enable/disable AV functions. you should just enable VA on startup and then leave it on.

There are more worlds than the one that you hold in your hand...
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial or something that shows how to use vertex arrays as I just cannot seem to grasp how to setup my data structures to use them

try in or search in google about "NAte-Miller''s" homepage.

cheers bondi - great link!
I just have a small question to ask about the subject of va''s. At the moment I have my vertex/face data in an STL vector - can these be used with the VA commands, and if so how.


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