Newbie of it all with questions...
After playing Donkey Kong 64 and getting pi$$ed at it, after trying to find a computer game to keep my interest, and after realizing that I have a decent computer system that I am using only to surf the net and play games, I decided to try my hand at coding a game. I don't expect to make Quake III. Hell, I will be happy doing connect four with a computer opponent.
However, I need some guidence. I am a COBOL (go ahead and laugh; it pays the bills at least
) programmer. I have had a couple of classes on C and have fairly good understanding of it. What I would like is suggestions for a beginner's (and by beginner, I mean a REAL beginner) guide to learn C++. And I want the book to be useful from the standpoint of a future game programmer. Also, is the Game Programming for Dummies worth getting from a newbie perspective?
I am using MS Visual C++ 5.0. Any help in getting me started in this field would be appreciated. I do have a teach yourself C book. Thanks.
Edited by - bozz on 2/22/00 6:42:49 PM

Well, I''ll assume you''re good enough of a programmer to get employed, so you don''t want something too basic. On the other hand, you need a clear representation of C++ from the ground up.
I''d suggest Stephen Pratta''s "C++ Primer Plus" for getting your basics in the language. I''ve seen a lot of really crummy C or C++ in X days books, and none of them compare.
As for learning how to use VC 5.0, I''ve _heard_ that there''s a book by the title of "Visual C++ 5.0 Unleashed".
C++ is significantly different from C in its methodology, but not in its syntax. The only really different thing is classes and how that works, and the new/delete memory operators.
If you''re going to be doing Win32 programming, I''d recommend "Win32 Programming" by Rector and Newcomber. It''s really good at showing you the primatives of the Windows system.
I don''t have ISBNs right now, but you should be able to find those two books in any title search.
- thaum
I''d suggest Stephen Pratta''s "C++ Primer Plus" for getting your basics in the language. I''ve seen a lot of really crummy C or C++ in X days books, and none of them compare.
As for learning how to use VC 5.0, I''ve _heard_ that there''s a book by the title of "Visual C++ 5.0 Unleashed".
C++ is significantly different from C in its methodology, but not in its syntax. The only really different thing is classes and how that works, and the new/delete memory operators.
If you''re going to be doing Win32 programming, I''d recommend "Win32 Programming" by Rector and Newcomber. It''s really good at showing you the primatives of the Windows system.
I don''t have ISBNs right now, but you should be able to find those two books in any title search.
- thaum
"Teach yourself c++ in 21 days" - jesse liberty is very good
I am just going to go of topic a bit here: I thought DK64 was great. Perhaps because I am a Rareware fanatic, but oh well.
As for C++, uh, well, I haven''t learned dat completely, nor do I plan on using it completely. I plan on mixing it a little with C, so I really cannot help you there. But, "C++ in 21 days" is good, I''ve read a bit of it.
As for C++, uh, well, I haven''t learned dat completely, nor do I plan on using it completely. I plan on mixing it a little with C, so I really cannot help you there. But, "C++ in 21 days" is good, I''ve read a bit of it.

I always learn through the dummie''s books first. They assume that you know nothing and explain stuff in simple english. It''s great for a beginner to start. And if you know another programming language (in your case, COBOL), it helps a lot. You should get a really good grip on things if you read C or C++ for Dummies. Good luck on your venture into C/C++, and may the force be with you

I would have to disagree w/ PsYcHoPrOg. C for dummies is excellent, but c++ for dummies is sub-par. The problems begin with the fact that you have to already know c. The examples and analogies are terrible, and it reads more like a reference.
"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown
A very good book, in my opinion, is C++ from the Ground Up (2nd Ed.) by Herbert Schildt. The book covers the new international standards for C++ and is written for people with no programming experience; Of course, in your situation, having programming experience will help you out.
You could also check out the book reference section on this board.
Hope this helps,
You could also check out the book reference section on this board.
Hope this helps,
After going through C++fD I read "C++ - The complete reference" by Herbert Schildt. Although it says it''s a reference the first part reads more like the C++fd...
I really liked it and the good thing is: you don''t need two books...
- Sleepwalker
I really liked it and the good thing is: you don''t need two books...
- Sleepwalker
- Sleepwalker
If you are a REAL beginner the i think you should buy
Visual c++ for dummies and if you know the basic in c++
then you should buy WGPFD or Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus.
James Bond
Visual c++ for dummies and if you know the basic in c++
then you should buy WGPFD or Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus.
James Bond
James Bond
I bought C++ for dummies as gift to my brother (Pro Game Programer) as a joke and he acualy didn''t know C++. He had done all the games in C. My brother is now making 1/10 of the profit of the games he''s making thanks to me. The games look a LOT better now that he''s using C++ instead of C. If I hadn''t bought the book, he might of gone bankrupt because the games he was making weren''t to marticuary good in three ways.* 1)The graphics were crudy. 2)The games were being edited far too easily. 3)The games crashed too much.
(*His bosses thoughts.) So a class on C++, C++ for dummies, or How to Program C++ are what you need to look at Bozz.
(*His bosses thoughts.) So a class on C++, C++ for dummies, or How to Program C++ are what you need to look at Bozz.

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