
I'm almost done with my first game and want to know what you think

Started by March 08, 2002 11:56 AM
2 comments, last by Jeff D 22 years, 11 months ago
Hi, since last night I have worked on a little game similar to Breakout or Araknoid. Its almost done, and its on console mode. I just want you people to try it out look at my code and tell me how the code setup is. What you could do better. Things like that. The site is The game is right under the title of the site. Since your there you could also see how my big project is doing. Thx Jeff D
Suffered seven plagues, but refused to let the slaves go free. ~ Ross Atherton
As for the breakout game (I''m doing something like that too actually) I''d reccommend a couple things:

Give the ball x and y velocities, that way you can make it go in non 45 degree angles.

Implement that if the ball falls, some kinda penalty. Implement score! =D

BTW I like the way you programmed your game class. =D

Also, I think you should uhm make the screen smaller if you''re going to leave it as a console app. I forget what the standard is, I think like 80 wide by 24 high or something.

Make a menu system! =D

Oh yeah, and I''d reccommend when you get a chance, looking into graphics. =D

:''( i dont seem to be able to get on to your site

What about me? What about Raven?
Honestly I''m not to sure if you know that the game is completely ascii graphics. Trying to better than 45 degrees turns would result in the ball jumping than gliding smothly I might be wrong. Second making score and a penalty touch the bottom was on my list. This game was to see if the great ones think I am ready to dive into the Windows API and get into Directx and OpenGL.

Thx for liking the way I did the game engine.

About changing the screensize I thought people would of liked that instead of that tiny window

Well I think Im gonna finish that game and open my Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus book and dive right in now.

Thx for replying man

Jeff D

San I don''t know why try again maybe a lot of ppl tired at the same time and couldn''t get in.
Suffered seven plagues, but refused to let the slaves go free. ~ Ross Atherton

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