game developer, publisher needed
Hello All,
I need help with a new game. I am not a professional game developer, in fact I am not much of a game player. When I do play it is the old standby type games such as checkers or card games or board games. Sorry if I offend or disappoint anyone, but the sophisticated action games or virtual reality games leave me cold. Most of them seem to be designed for hyper people, rather than people relaxing with friends.
I do have a new game, complete, that is pretty much consistent with the attitudes and formats of the old traditional games. I need someone to program and publish it, as I am not in the game industry and simply do not have the compulsive interest required for that industry.
My game is similar to checkers or chess in that it involves two players, and can be played at almost any level of skill. Like checkers or chess, my game involves strategy. Unlike checkers or chess, where the opponents need to be relatively equal in ability, my game involves random
chance that can require adjustments to the best of strategies. This serves to mitigate the differences in levels of skill. Like checkers or chess, beginners can have as much fun as experts.
I need someone with the programming skills and resources to develop and market this as an offline game as well as an online game. Someone with the contacts necessary to license and sell it as a board game, similar to checkers or chess. A big advantage to my game, market-wise, is that
it is not in the public domain like checkers or chess or some of the other traditional games. It is
still eligible for copyrighting, an could thus be an exclusive for a publisher.
A quick demographic review should confirm a market for this game with the more mature generations, that play games for relaxation. Most of us have already had all the frenetic activity we need in life, we don’t look for it in games. We don’t spend money on the more sophisticated games, however we do respond to advertising that seems to accompany games or any other activity on the web.
I have a new game for this market, and an opportunity for someone to participate in marketing it.
This is more of an ego trip than a business venture for me, but I still don’t want to just give it away.
thank you
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