

Started by March 08, 2002 05:05 AM
0 comments, last by ZGL_Sigma 22 years, 11 months ago
Hi - there''s one entry for a Pixelformatdescriptor called Blueshift - I would say this one multiplies every blue part of the color on the screen . But I can''t seem to get it working - anyone an idea ???
I hate signatures !!!

nSize Specifies the size of the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR data structure. Set this member to sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR).

nVersion Specifies the version number of the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR data structure. Set this member to 1.

dwFlags A set of bit flags that specify properties of the pixel buffer. You can combine the following bit flag constants by using bitwise-OR.
If any of the following flags are set, the ChoosePixelFormat function attempts to match pixel formats that also have that flag or flags set. Otherwise, ChoosePixelFormat ignores that flag in the pixel formats:
If any of the following flags are set, ChoosePixelFormat attempts to match pixel formats that also have that flag or flags set. Otherwise, it attempts to match pixel formats without that flag set:

If the following flag is set, the function ignores the PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER flag in the pixel formats:
If the following flag is set, the function ignores the PFD_STEREO flag in the pixel formats:

iPixelType Specifies the type of pixel format for the function to consider:

cColorBits Zero or greater.

cRedBits Not used.

cRedShift Not used.

cGreenBits Not used.

cGreenShift Not used.

cBlueBits Not used.

cBlueShift Not used.

cAlphaBits Zero or greater.

cAlphaShift Not used.

cAccumBits Zero or greater.

cAccumRedBits Not used.

cAccumGreenBits Not used.

cAccumBlueBits Not used.

cAccumAlphaBits Not used.

cDepthBits Zero or greater.

cStencilBits Zero or greater.

cAuxBuffers Zero or greater.

iLayerType Specifies one of the following layer type values:

bReserved Not used.

dwLayerMask Not used.

dwVisibleMask Not used.

dwDamageMask Not used.

I''m guessing that means that no matter what you set it to, it won''t do anything.
Chess is played by three people. Two people play the game; the third provides moral support for the pawns. The object of the game is to kill your opponent by flinging captured pieces at his head. Since the only piece that can be killed is a pawn, the two armies agree to meet in a pawn-infested area (or even a pawn shop) and kill as many pawns as possible in the crossfire. If the game goes on for an hour, one player may legally attempt to gouge out the other player's eyes with his King.

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