Chrono Cross
Hey, I''m new here, and I''m wondering who in here is looking forward to Square''s sequel to Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross? That game looks like it''s gonna rock!
Also, I''m trying to become a game programmer, and I want to know what kind of skills or programming languages I might need to know to program RPGs? I''m in high school right now, and I''m learning C++ ... any suggestions? I''d greatly appreciate it.

As you can guess this is also my nick, so...
well, if you want to look at some screenshots, here is the place to go: http://www.icybrian.simplenet.com/media/chronocross/ccscreens.html.
But if you want to know when it will be released, well i just don''t know.
To become a game programmer, you can start with C language itself. Try NOT to start with an RPG, because it involves a lot of knowledge and experience in game programming. I recommend to build a tetris clone or a pac-man, you can be sure it will give you a lot of work. Do at least 6 or 7 smaller projects to try out a RPG.
You can take a wrapper to deal with DirectX, just like Winallegro, wrapperx or CDX (i forgot the homepages for now), because it will get rid of some details about initializing, blit, etc.
Else, i would try to build a wrapper for myself as a starting project to improve my knowledgement of the microsoft API and to familiarize with the aspects of optimization and speed. A good sprite engine would be nice too (blitting, timing, collision detection, animating).
Another thing: DO NOT try to build a 3D game, it is very complex and will fry your brain and take you down. Just take easy for now.
If you cant finish a project, don''t worry. It happens with all of us.
I recommend to read, read and read alot! here are some references for you.
Gamedev.net - the best one (i am not being paid
http://www.talula.demon.co.uk/allegro/index.html - the allegro.
http://www.developers-corner.com/ - another forum.
http://www.gdse.com/ - game develop search engine.
http://www.tune-it.com/login.htm - tutorials, articles
http://cust.nol.at/ppee/ - more stuff
http://cfxweb.planet-d.net/ - stuff!
Try also to buy a book about game development. I have bought the Andre Lamothe''s Windows Game Programming for Dummies and found a really fantastic book.
Remember: you will have a long long way ahead to become a good developer. But don''t worry, be patient, breath deeply and start your journey.
Good luck!
well, if you want to look at some screenshots, here is the place to go: http://www.icybrian.simplenet.com/media/chronocross/ccscreens.html.
But if you want to know when it will be released, well i just don''t know.
To become a game programmer, you can start with C language itself. Try NOT to start with an RPG, because it involves a lot of knowledge and experience in game programming. I recommend to build a tetris clone or a pac-man, you can be sure it will give you a lot of work. Do at least 6 or 7 smaller projects to try out a RPG.
You can take a wrapper to deal with DirectX, just like Winallegro, wrapperx or CDX (i forgot the homepages for now), because it will get rid of some details about initializing, blit, etc.
Else, i would try to build a wrapper for myself as a starting project to improve my knowledgement of the microsoft API and to familiarize with the aspects of optimization and speed. A good sprite engine would be nice too (blitting, timing, collision detection, animating).
Another thing: DO NOT try to build a 3D game, it is very complex and will fry your brain and take you down. Just take easy for now.
If you cant finish a project, don''t worry. It happens with all of us.
I recommend to read, read and read alot! here are some references for you.
Gamedev.net - the best one (i am not being paid

http://www.talula.demon.co.uk/allegro/index.html - the allegro.
http://www.developers-corner.com/ - another forum.
http://www.gdse.com/ - game develop search engine.
http://www.tune-it.com/login.htm - tutorials, articles
http://cust.nol.at/ppee/ - more stuff
http://cfxweb.planet-d.net/ - stuff!
Try also to buy a book about game development. I have bought the Andre Lamothe''s Windows Game Programming for Dummies and found a really fantastic book.
Remember: you will have a long long way ahead to become a good developer. But don''t worry, be patient, breath deeply and start your journey.
Good luck!
ah, almost forgot the DirectX site:
Whooaa, that went waaaay over my head... hehe ... I guess I gotta read that over a few times, lol 
btw: do you ever post in Icy Brian''s forums? Aren''t you "chrono" there too? I''m on there as BigBadW4lf... small world, isn''t it? lol.

btw: do you ever post in Icy Brian''s forums? Aren''t you "chrono" there too? I''m on there as BigBadW4lf... small world, isn''t it? lol.
Oh, and Chrono Cross will be released in the U.S. in August... argh! I can''t wait that long...
What''s up with square''s presence on this forum today. Oh, and I''m looing forward to it, looks pretty cool.
Dare To Think Outside The Box
Dare To Think Outside The Box
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No, i have not posted. I aways wrote my nick as "chronno" and not chrono :D. But i also know some people of developers-corner that have posted here too. As you can see the world IS small.
Well, see ya.
Well, see ya.
I wrote my own wrapper for DirectX. I was going to use Andre Lamothe''s BOB engine, but rewrote it. It runs a lot faster than his, since it is more optimized.
Chrono is my god. Chrono Trigger/Cross is my religion. Chrono Cross, when released in NA, will ROCK SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!
*ahem* anyways...
*ahem* anyways...
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
February 29, 2000 11:15 AM
Have you downloaded any Chrono Cross movies? All I gotta say is, "WOW!" ... the battle system is cool, and the graphics push the PSX engine to the limit... I can''t believe they got all those polygons in there... it sure beats the hell out of FFVIII''s battle system and graphics

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