
Game Programming Books to Compliment a CS

Started by February 21, 2000 12:02 PM
4 comments, last by |S|ether 25 years ago
Soon I''ll be off to college, next year around August. I''m going to pursue a CS degree. I''ve read the course descriptions, and have a good understanding of what they will teach me. Well, I''ve always been interested in games, and thought it would be fun to get some good practical learning while at school. But, they do not offer the... "Tricks and Trades," of game programming. Ok, this is the question. What books would you recommend I read that would complement a CS degree, by adding some gamming experience to my programming portfolio? Before you all answer, I would like to tell you about myself so you can have a little better understanding of what I mean. I started programming with an old Brain Board Control System my dad had left over in the basement when I was 13. Since then I''ve been learning on my own and taking classes. I''ve mostly concentrated on C++, with some BASIC and PASCAL, and some HTML crap (is HTML even considered a language????) I''ve taken a whole lot of classes, completing my C++ AP class my junior year, last year, and getting a 4 on the AP. I''ve recently started perusing windows programming. I really did not want to leave my protected mode, but windows and its 32 bits were encroaching. The book I''m using right now is "Windows Programming 5th Edition", it''s a Microsoft Press Book. What I''d like, is to get started learning about what this DirectX stuff is... really, it looks like gibberish when you read the SDK. I also want to learn about game design, you know, what goes into making a game. I''m sure it is different then advanced scientific computing. I looked around, and the list is huge. I then bought this program; teach yourself how to be a game programmer 2.0. It had all these books, but they were quite outdated, and honestly, really sucked. How can you learn to be a "Game Programmer in 21 Days" Sam? So I’m fairly competent in C++, and working with the Windows API. I think other then a good understanding of OpenGL, DirectX, and what makes a game work, that’s all you need. Well, that''s my story, and ideas? ________________ |Live Life |______ |---------------- | |Eat Cake, Drink Coke...| |AND Be Happy! | -----------------------
________________|Live Life |______|---------------- ||Eat Cake, Drink Coke...||AND Be Happy! | -----------------------
The route that I have taken thus far seems to have gotten me up to speed pretty quick. I started with the "Windows Game Programming for Dummies". Don''t let the dummies title fool you, it''s actually a good introduction to DirectX and game programming. But having said that, it is only an introduction. Another very, very good book is Game Architecture and Design. You can search for it on Amazon. If you are a good C++ programmer, you will see more advanced ways of building a game engine from this book due to the use of OOP and patterns. After you are comfortable with the way DirectX works, get into the SDK and you will be able to better understand all of it.

For OpenGL, I am assuming you have some high level math background, get waht is commonly known as the "red book". It is the OpenGL programming guide with a red cover. I personally would suggest spending a few months with OpenGL and get the hang of 3D graphics down before jumping into Direct3D. Alot of what is in OpenGL has to be implemented as an interface to Direct3D through your own routines. By using OpenGL, you have this insulation while getting used to corrdinate spaces, texturing, and son on.

As your''e off to college, remember that the best thing you can get is learn how to learn, which it sounds you are well on your way. I have CS degree and have found it extremely helpful.
A great book to begin with if you want to learn to program games using DirectX is

* André LaMothe''s Tricks of the windows game programming gurus, ISBN 0-672-31361-8

And for 3D games:

3D game programming with C++ by John De Goes, ISBN 1-57610-400-1

For game design:

Game architecture and design by Andrew Rollings and Dave Morris, ISBN 1-57610-425-7

Death is lifes way saying your fired.
I''ll have to disagree with errand on the second book. The book by John De Goes is an interesting book, and a fairly complete DirectX reference. In fact, it''s one of the better books I''ve seen on DirectX programming. But what it is not is a book on Game Programming, 3D or otherwise. It seems that Coriolis forced/suggested the title to catch the appropriate audience (game programmers being amongst the heaviest users of DirectX technology). I don''t like misleading titles. True, the book does talk about programming from a "game programmer" standpoint, but the sections on AI and physics are too short, occupying a grand total of about 3% of the book.

I''ll spare you the rant. Go to and search for the book yourself...and read the reviews. If I recall the average rating was around 2/5 stars (if the title had been "Programming with DirectX 7", it might have gotten 5/5 stars).
------When thirsty for life, drink whisky. When thirsty for water, add ice.
Just wanted to say thanks for those posts. I went to the book store and read a little from each of those I could find. I really enjoyed André LaMothe''s approach, it seems that is will work hand in hand with me windows development. Again thanks, and if you have any more ideas, I''d like to hear about them.

|Live Life |______
|---------------- |
|Eat Cake, Drink Coke...|
|AND Be Happy! |
________________|Live Life |______|---------------- ||Eat Cake, Drink Coke...||AND Be Happy! | -----------------------
At (?) there is a series of articles written by Chris Hargrove called "Code on the Cob". I found them to be quite interesting, and useful, if a bit anti-OOP. He''ll walk you through the early stages of creating a game, but he never finished the series. As for great game-related books:

Code Complete - Amazing, amazing, amazing. Just by reading this your programming IQ will shoot up several points. One of the few books that WILL make you a better programmer.

Design Patterns - A good book about really abstract concepts. Design Pats are used extensively throughout Java, and have proven their worth tenfold. However, you should be ready for abstract stuff before you get to this book as it can be overwhelming.

Inside Direct X - Doesn''t really have much that the SDK docs don''t have, but it is well written and walks you through the main (not Direct3D) aspects of Direct X. Good stuff.

Networked Virtual Environments - Maybe not the greatest book, but concentrates more on making multi-user games from a platform-neutral standpoint. Opened my eyes to several things I hadn''t thought about. Also didn''t waste 300 pages telling you how to open a socket.

ANSI Common Lisp - Lisp is an incredible language. Both ABUSE and Crash Bandicoot were written in Lisp. I''m having some issues learning it because it is so unlike anything I''ve ever seen before.

Cutting-Edge Java Game Programming - Even if you don''t use Java, the concepts provided in the book are very sound. Uses excellent (though slightly bloated) OOP design techniques, and loads up on the design patterns. How to build a better mousetrap.

Java in a Nutshell (3rd Ed)
Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell
-- Both of these books are invaluable to anyone who programs Java. One can argue that they barely replace the JDK docs, but they are cheap, have good tutorials and concentrated information (no wasted space), and they are tiny books.

Anything from O''Reilly and Associates. This includes the Nutshell series. ORA is just the best computer book company around. I have never bought one of their books I didn''t like. Programming Perl is just great. Check out Windows 98 Annoyances for some great tips.

Addison Wesley has an excellent series of programming books (of which Design Patterns belong). They normally fall along the lines of higher learning books. Research papers and the likes. Some of them are really good. Some of them aren''t so good though.

And don''t rule out Microsoft Press. Inside Direct X and Programming Windows are both great books. MP also bought up a lot of older great programming books, like Code Complete, and publish them too.

As always, Buyer Beware.

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