
More games with action buttons

Started by March 03, 2002 09:02 PM
12 comments, last by BioSquirrel 22 years, 9 months ago
Most games I play have such a thing. You obviously play the wrong games

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I need to find the right games then!
Hmmm... A lot of game uses "action" buttons.

Final Fantasy: The same button is used for starting conversations, opening chest and various other activities such as pulling levers and choosing commands.

the Kyrandia games(awesome series!): One mouse click on an object will perform and action related to that certain item, Ie: Clicking on a small object will make the character pick it up, and clicking on static objects will make him examine them.

Discworld: Double clicking on an object will make Rincewind use it, ie: pulling levers, opening doors, etc. etc. Almost like Kyrandia except that the right mouse button is used for examine.

There are a lot more but i have other stuff to do now :D
I know that a lot of games use it but there are also lots of games that could use it.

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