
Which Compiler is Better for OpenGL?

Started by February 26, 2002 03:22 PM
17 comments, last by opengl15 22 years, 11 months ago
You might try fixing that with some command line switches.

Anyway, as for that guy blaming his tools, Dev-C/C++ is crap.
Devc++ is sweet I have mvc and still use dev. Its so much simpler. For opengl it just makes sence to use a gcc compiler they''re both cross platform tools, they''re like cousins. Its just a crime against nature to use mvc and opengl together. And a side note I use directx 8 and devc++ together and they work fine you just have to find the libraries.
I use mingw the GCC compiler that Dev-C++ uses, I don't like dev-c, I use XEmacs and makefiles instead, to me Mingw is one of the best compilers out there (has to be, its GCC), and I support Null and void on everything he has said.

I am getting tired of people refering to Dev-C as a compiler, when its just an IDE.

I have no problems programming Directx,OpenGL or WinAPI with Mingw.

Edited by - kwizatz on February 28, 2002 6:26:32 PM
So probly out of 100, 60% people saying that I should choose Dev-C++4 over Borland C++ 5. Thats cool because I use Dev-C++4 anyway from the start. So I guess Borland sucks right?. Thank you people for your help and please keep sending your comments about which compiler is better.

Andrew rulz and u know it.........
Andrew rulz and u know it.........
I don''t think anyone said Borland wasn''t good. I just like Dev C++ since it''s based on a compiler I''m already familiar with and know to be high quality. I have the free Borland on my Windows drive also, it isn''t too bad.

So you guess Borland sucks?
Because what, about 4 people have responded, and a few vaguely said they used GCC? Borland doesn''t suck just because a couple people on this forum said they use GCC instead...

Just thought I''d clarify for you.

Don''t resist RoastBeef - You know you''re hungry
Don't resist RoastBeef - You know you're hungry
My personal opinion is that all the C++ compilers mentioned here have their good and bad points. I have used all of the compilers mentioned at one point or another.

DevC++... A great idea! A free compiler AND a free IDE to go with it! Well, DevC++ IS the IDE, and GCC is the compiler. The IDE is alright, admittedly it''s a tad shakey... The GCC compiler came out with some amazingly small code, but the IDE had this rather annoying memory leak which would end up crashing the application eventually... I too had some DirectX issues when using this compiler... I -think- I used DX7 in the end because I couldn''t find DX8 libs for the compiler...

Borland C++ - another fine product from a fine company! Who could knock Borland since they brought out Kylix OE? :-D Their compiler is known for being a good compiler! In fact my college used to teach students C++ using the Borland compiler because it is ANSI C++ compliant (Or at least as close as you''re going to get without getting a copy of Intels personal, internal C++ compiler) Decent code, decent suite of tools come with it, and of course the compiler is free :-D Way to go Borland/Inprise - we luv u guys!!! My biggest problem with Borland C++ was the library format... I also didn''t much like the Borland IDE... I found some DX7 libs for this compiler and was about to start using it indefinitely when...

I got myself a copy of Microsoft Visual Studio 98 about 3 years ago. VB 6 and MSVC 6 in one package? Yes please!! Ok ok, it set me back a kings ransom (*g*) but MSVC6 is by far my fave IDE and I''ve heard the compiler isn''t too bad either I''ve -heard- that MSVC6 compiles some of the fastest code out there, though it''s not exactly ANSI C++ compliant and I have found problems myself with the templates AND the macro''s, but I work around these problems because I love the IDE and I love the support! Almost any code or library you can find has MSVC support including DX8, FMOD, OpenGL, OpenIL - all my favourite API''s :-D

So there you have it - that''s my opinion *g*

(BTW I wish ppl would stop asking questions on the board just for the sake of getting a lot of replies! Linux vs Windows, C vs C++, DX vs OpenGL, Borland vs Microsoft, ''LOTR Demo Contest'' etc etc... *g*)

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Original post by Kwizatz
I use mingw the GCC compiler that Dev-C++ uses, I don''t like dev-c, I use XEmacs and makefiles instead, to me Mingw is one of the best compilers out there (has to be, its GCC), and I support Null and void on everything he has said.

I am getting tired of people refering to Dev-C as a compiler, when its just an IDE.

I have no problems programming Directx,OpenGL or WinAPI with Mingw.

Edited by - kwizatz on February 28, 2002 6:26:32 PM

Same as me cept I use PFE instead of emacs. Dev C++ annoys me with its wierd tabs and bugs like when it would only compile in my resource script and associated icons etc in a full rebuild.
i use borland wit a free ide (jfe, jen's file editor) its an excellent combo, since jfe has the function and class hierachy and borland is pretty darn good compiler. Another thing, jfe is a better text editor/IDE than dev-c++

o and the jfe can integrate applications wit arguments in its tool bar so i can compile wit a single click of a button with out the annoying command line stuff

i prefer borland plus jfe over dev-c++

==jfe site==

Edited by - azaxaca on March 2, 2002 12:17:46 PM
..I still dont get the difference between c and c++...

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