
1st Person shooter/Rpg Idea

Started by February 26, 2002 01:46 PM
6 comments, last by Carneychild 23 years ago
I have an idea for a 1st person shooter that isnt just random killing. It will have a good character creation system and characters will gain higher levels with experience. Its more reality based than most shooters out right now. Set in the Northwest (portland) and characters will just be normal people. It will be in the near future, maybe 10 years or so, and the world is in chaos because of terrorism. So thats why everyone has guns and stuff. 1st person shooters dont have to have that much of a story, as long as you justify the slaughter. I''m looking for people who would be interested in working on this, i myself am just a character designer so i would need some programmers, sound people, and whatever else is needed. I am fat... I will eat you.
I am fat... I will eat you.
hey i like the idea, i thought of something likethis about a year ago but never went very far with the idea.... i feel it has some good potential since there arent many new genres out there and this is one that hasnt really been tried yet beside in the older Elder Scrolls games.... but those were still not using guns.

"There is humor in everything depending on which prespective you look from."
"There is humor in everything depending on which prespective you look from."
Original post by Carneychild
1st person shooters dont have to have that much of a story, as long as you justify the slaughter.

Well, you just lost one potential supporter. Why not try to do something original instead of recycling the same drivel as everyone else?
_________________________The Idea Foundry
That sounds a lot like Deus Ex. It''s set in the near-future with a lot of terrorism and has many RPG elements. Your game sounds about identical to that, except you said it won''t have much of a story, so I doubt it will compare.
Ha, well one good one so far. And to dumbasses who jump to conclusions before asking questions. JACKASS''s, I''ll put some more idea''s up in a while. The game is going to be like post terrorism situation. I havent seen a single 1st person shooter where you actually make a character from scratch and have to do things rather than just run around and shoot. I havent seen any that are set in reality either, all are like super HOOAH commando warrior or mega lazer lame ass crap.

I guess some people just think that other people give a crap about their opinions like their some authority on anything. HA, I''m looking for people who want to have some fun with this but actually accomplish it. So if you dont like the idea then just dont waste your time.

I am fat... I will eat you.
I am fat... I will eat you.
Well, you guys don''t suprise me. What have you guys done that''s going to be completed? I remember a previouse post discussing what independent teams have completed from this site which equals 0.00%. The team that I''m working with right now is pretty close to finishing a project in connection with Garagegames and the Torque engine. I don''t see any of those pple flaming my friend here so as far as I know you guys are a bunch of hypocrites. To the people that think that everything has been done, you are the one that has a limited mind, but the possibilities are endless.

First thing that will make this game different is that it will have a character creation system along the lines of Legends of Wrestling for the PS2. In that game you have the ability to totally adjust body porportions, you choose hair styles and make them any color you like, you can choose: skin texture,color cloths style and color, accessories, piercings, tatoos, face or body paint, masks, you can also create your own bitmap designs and apply them to the characters body. Now imagine applying that to a fps char.

It isn''t the biggest greatest internet game that will come out either, just a little ass whippin game that will have some good replay value.

Right now the design doc is still being put together, some input was just wanted and maybe some help/guidance.

To all the naysayers out there, why don''t you stop telling other people what they can''t do and try to accoplish something real yourself............

DRINK GIN! IT MAKES A MAN MEAN-milk and cheese
DRINK GIN! IT MAKES A MAN MEAN-milk and cheese
Original post by Carneychild
I havent seen any that are set in reality either, all are like super HOOAH commando warrior or mega lazer lame ass crap.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
ALL of the weapons are based from reality(circa 1943ish).
It has a nice story, but no character development really.
Almost everything in it is realistic other than the fact that
you can call airplanes within like 3 seconds. And there are
zombie critters.


Carneychild, you need to learn to defend your ideas without making personal attacks. Check this Forum''s FAQ.

You also posted this in the wrong forum. Be more civil, and try the Help Wanted forum if you''re looking to build a team.

Thread closed.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...

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