As to the debugging aspect there''s some clarification:
Yeah, it''s pretty easy to recall the seed, as long as you''re a developer, running in debug mode, and the seed doesn''t become overwritten the next time the unit is shot. How many people can think fast enough to realize there''s a mistake in the program and switch to the debugger before the seed is overwritten? I most certainly cannot.
Then there''s the fact that if you have a problem post-release discovered by one of your users, you can''t have them run a debugger on it next time because it most likely won''t happen next time, and you can''t examine their core dumps(switch to Linux!) if it''s a critical failure.
Of course, you''re not likely to have a critical failure, and the scope of the damage is most likely to be something based upon the random number, so a one shot kill or a shot of healing potion instead of lead are the kinds of bugs you''d get.
Back on topic:
At midway, if we had chosen to make fighters and/or carriers instead of some other unit, we might have been able to search a wider area, or with more frequency. That''s the kind of decision game-players face at every turn. The fact that they placed it in "luck''s" hands was their own decision, although quite a bit more complicated than that in the real-life scenario.
Yeah there was a spy, but it was a bad decision to have all the pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor at all. For most of the duration of the interval between the World Wars, the fleet was more spread out. We moved it closer to Japan(Pearl Harbor was the closest base we had to Japan) to show Japan our strength. Japan was acting aggresively to everyone because it needed oil that our embargo denied them(which we denied them because they were acting aggressively toward their neighboring islands). Not to go off on a rant here, but the slap on the wrist to stop them from bullying the other kids ended up in a full fist fight, and we''ve got one heck of a haymaker. (enough history)
As for the plans falling into enemy hands, I can''t imagine how to implement that in a game where strategy matters.
Also, the variables need not even be hidden. There are so many already that the human mind is unable to take them all in at once. And taking more in, or discovering the values of each with more frequency, leads to a natural increase in returns due to skill.
And you''re right, they need not even be discernable by the player(at least through a numerical or graphical format. Good old fashioned experimentation is always acceptable too). I''d like to see a game as at least a proof-of-concept for some of the ideas in this thread where morale and leadership were implemented, but indicated in no way to the player, except through their effects in combat and perhaps some indication of longevity or kills. Skilled players would realize eventually that the units who lived the longest improved in their own abilities as well as the units near them. The discovery of that alone(if unmentioned in the manual, which is probably not going to happen) would make $50 worthwhile.
Of course, it should follow a deterministic pattern, and players would determine experimentally how it works, but it would seem random for a while.(and all newbies would have bad luck, just like it should be
As an aside, has anybody actually played chess? How about someone who was really, really, really good? I''ve played against someone significantly better than me(maybe not three "really"''s good, but much better), and sometimes when I play it, it seems like I have no control over the board and my pieces just seem to be in the wrong position at the wrong time. I choose among several apparently equal alternatives at the beginning of the game, but my opponent sees something other than equal or approximately equal.
Then I had a really, really good day, and I moved my pieces using the same arbitrary decision process, and somehow, all my pieces seemed to be in the right place at the right time to give him no choice but to give me his queen, even though his queen was quite unrestricted in her movements. In retrospect I learned that just about every square in the four center columns had at least one of my pieces "attacking" it. Thus, I learned that my somewhat arbitrary/random choices ended up being the correct strategic decision. An extremely good player can see these correct strategic decisions in advance, but I cannot, so I move randomly. There''s where I think the randomness should reside. In the player, not the game.