My heightfield program webpage is up!
Hey all!
Well..I finally did it...I put up a webpage to display some screenshots of my heightfield terrain engine (called Terraformer3D).Check it out at:
There is a small demo program (well..1.8 MB) file you can download from the downloads section.Please drop by and download it and tell my what you think.My email is at the homepage:
A word of caution...I have not tried this app on any 3DFX cards....I am not sure what Voodoo card users are going to expect but I''d love to hear from them and the rest of you guys.Just drop me an email with your comments,suggestions etc.
Keep in mind that this is a VERY early version.There is no multitextureing,no LOD algorithms and no skybox. (But there is transparent water! )I''m working on all these things right now.So I really hope you enjoy it.
It doesn''t look nice because the texture map is an 8bit image...but I''m scanning the internet for high res satellite pictures which I''m going to apply in later versions.
Oh,and don''t forget to read the txt file included in the zip.
Gecko out.
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