
Game Music what do u thinK?

Started by February 16, 2000 07:57 PM
10 comments, last by King 25 years ago
I''ve been taking time to create some Music for a classic 2D RPG (like the superninendo''s ChronoTrigger, Zelda, and such) I was wondering if people could give me some feedback on whether or not the music i''m creating is fit for it. Go to and check it out if you have time. The one I truely created for the game is called "Amazement", and I made one for a preview, called "The Heathen Preview". P.S. our game is called Heathen and you can find more about it by going to Any feedback to this post or Email at would be appreciated. Thanks
I''ll make sure I get a copy of your game when it comes it out. That way I don''t have to pay!!! (see other post ''PSX CD Burning")

quit bein'' such an a$$. It''s not like you never burned copies of anything. Shi''
Enough about the PSX post already... thanks anyways.

I was hoping to hear some feedback on the music, and would appreciate it. Thanks again.

Oh, by the way i've added some more songs, and they should be up by tomorrow.

Edited by - King on 2/21/00 2:42:22 PM
what kind of program did u use to make the music? i wouldnt mind making some music for a game of mine sometime in the future.

not that bad. i tried listening to ''cold''. pretty good (at least waaayyy better than i could do)

- Moe -

Mr Popular here. I just downloaded ''amazement.mp3'' and although I am not really into Techno (like you care!!) it was very good. I can imagine listening to that while playing a game.

Thanks guys. I do care about your opinion, i can only make me consider some criticisms if they are given, thanks a bunch.
I''ve in fact added more Music to the page, please check it out. thanks, again go to
I''ve added about 8 more songs, please take a listen if you have the time on your hands, is your destination, thanks.

I''ve added more songs to the list, most of the game oriented as well as all the rest.


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