Original post by Vlion
I am genuine american.
I never said you weren''t but Italian and Spanish people are also
Americans. Since you took the words from spanish, I felt that
I could grasp the language way too easily for some reason.
Maybe it was all the spanish I took in high school hehe. Just I
don''t know, I understood the origins of the words, and my
immersion level fell instantly heh. I think it should be a
totally original language...not borrowing so heavily from RL
languages. Or if it does, make it something like Macedonian,
or Mayan or "The language from the people who inhabit the rain
forest in brazil in the valley of the monkey gods." Just don''t
make it so easy to learn.
As far as balancing power...it might work for offline games.
People just dont care I think. If power leaks, people will be
like ''Cool! everywhere I go stuff burns, and trees grow, and
the sky turns itself upside down.''
I like GameCreator''s ideas. HOWEVER...people who play mages in
MMORPGs now are more likely to like the chain fireball type
mages. Just because me and you and most people HERE like the
idea of being able to figure out problems, and become the quiet,
yet superpowerful mage instead of the chain fireball guy, doesnt
mean that thats the average mentality I think. People have
somewhat short attention spans. I think whoever implements this
kind of system for an MMORPG first is going to receive a lit
oil barrel of flames. "Why arent there any mages like in
AoC/EQ/AC/UO?" Then someone in charge of PR will have be busy
all day taking care of that. I personally like the idea but I
don''t think thats representative of the community. I reccommend
an experiment if you dont think thats the case...Post that idea
on the official boards of some already existing MMORPG. (Maybe
a little bit annoymously if you know what I mean though hehe)