Dolphin vs. PS2
I just now read an article at nintendo next on why the dolphin will kick the ps2''s ass. Please read it and tell me what you think.
The author of this article (IMHO) should not be let anywhere near a keyboard. Not because he is crappin on the ps2 but because everything he says is speculation. He seems to be pulling hardware spec''s out of his ass and has the uncany ability to read peoples minds.
Sorry, but just because nintendo hasn''t released the specs for the dolphin does not mean that they shall rule the world when it is released.
You people get the idea! Please read this article and let me know if you can catch on to what I am saying.
He seems to live in a dreamland.
LOL I am a loyal Nintendo fan, but that was really funny. The specs he mentioned HAVE been released though. Just go to They should have all of that info archived. All I know is that I WILL be getting a PS2, I WILL be getting a Dolphin, and at $150 or whatever, I WILL be getting an X-BOX.
I do have this feeling that if the X-BOX does play DVD''s, that mya PS2 will end up being a $300 Final Fantasy machine...
"Why am I the only one on the away team with a red shirt!?"
I do have this feeling that if the X-BOX does play DVD''s, that mya PS2 will end up being a $300 Final Fantasy machine...
"Why am I the only one on the away team with a red shirt!?"
-- What would Sweetness do?
I''ll say he does! I suspect that he works for nintendo. Probably a PR guy. Either that or he''s gone mad.
You''re right!! It''s a stupid article.
I''m a loyal Nintendo Fan but in the end I just care about the best games and it doesn''t matter on which machine they are. N64 just happens to have the best games at the moment (Goldeneye, Zelda, Every Mario Thingy, Etc.). But I''ve played Coolboarders2 and Tony Hawk Sk8boarding and they rock!!! Even though they are on PSX.
Tony Hawk will be ported to N64 but I highly doubt whether it will be as cool as the psx version. I hope they won''t use the analog controller cause the d-pad is much more suited for Tony Hawk style games (imho).
Anyway, what I was trying to say is. It''s not about the machine you use. It''s about the games you play. Everybody has different tastes, and everybody likes different games.
It''s a shame however that Nintendos marketing method doesn''t equal Sony''s. Cause lots of people will never play some of the best Nintendo games simply because they never heard of them.
Different Systems have different games, have good games, have bad games, have nice controllers aspects, have better graphics, have worse sound, have whatever. It''s about the games.
My 2 cents.
Jaap Suter
Mmmm, I''ll have to think of one.
I''m a loyal Nintendo Fan but in the end I just care about the best games and it doesn''t matter on which machine they are. N64 just happens to have the best games at the moment (Goldeneye, Zelda, Every Mario Thingy, Etc.). But I''ve played Coolboarders2 and Tony Hawk Sk8boarding and they rock!!! Even though they are on PSX.
Tony Hawk will be ported to N64 but I highly doubt whether it will be as cool as the psx version. I hope they won''t use the analog controller cause the d-pad is much more suited for Tony Hawk style games (imho).
Anyway, what I was trying to say is. It''s not about the machine you use. It''s about the games you play. Everybody has different tastes, and everybody likes different games.
It''s a shame however that Nintendos marketing method doesn''t equal Sony''s. Cause lots of people will never play some of the best Nintendo games simply because they never heard of them.
Different Systems have different games, have good games, have bad games, have nice controllers aspects, have better graphics, have worse sound, have whatever. It''s about the games.
My 2 cents.
Jaap Suter
Mmmm, I''ll have to think of one.
____________________________Mmmm, I''ll have to think of one.
February 16, 2000 04:53 PM
well frankly nobody in america wants to play pokemon1-10000 and nobody wants to play dragon ballz 1-110000 either
The author has a few logical fallacies in his arguments, such as "Nintendo is better than Sony, IBM is better than Sega, ergo, Dolphin is better than Playstation."
My favorite is stating that Dolphin is automatically better since it is on a copper process instead of aluminum, and is clocked faster.
First thing they taught me in Computer Architecture (the Prof. was a guy from Intel, so he actually knew a lot about the topic) is nothing is ever automatically better. Like everything in computer science, you make trade-offs. Gecko may be clocked faster, but at what cost? Does it have an extremely simple pipeline? Is the EE slower, but "smarter?" Does it sacrifice clock rate for complex internals, that can average more instructions per clock? Before you can even begin to make a slightly educated guess, you need to know these things (and a helluva lot more.)
My favorite is stating that Dolphin is automatically better since it is on a copper process instead of aluminum, and is clocked faster.
First thing they taught me in Computer Architecture (the Prof. was a guy from Intel, so he actually knew a lot about the topic) is nothing is ever automatically better. Like everything in computer science, you make trade-offs. Gecko may be clocked faster, but at what cost? Does it have an extremely simple pipeline? Is the EE slower, but "smarter?" Does it sacrifice clock rate for complex internals, that can average more instructions per clock? Before you can even begin to make a slightly educated guess, you need to know these things (and a helluva lot more.)
In the console gaming industry, hardware doesn''t mean much anyway...ESPECIALLY when you''re talking about Mhz and the like.
It all comes down to the gaming experience. When Nintendo wants to, they put out a damn fine game (Zelda on the N64). When Sony wants to, they put out a really fine game as well (countless examples). But who puts out more (good) games? The Playstation''s hardware is inferior to the N64''s (except in the audio area...
, yet Sony owns most of the market. Why? Because of the games. Not because the majority of gamers know and care about what''s under the hood of their console, but because they put the game in and are blown away/amused/whatever for (0-24] hours and that''s all they want. Sony delivers that best, and more often (IMHO - and apparently in the opinion of most console gamers).
Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!
It all comes down to the gaming experience. When Nintendo wants to, they put out a damn fine game (Zelda on the N64). When Sony wants to, they put out a really fine game as well (countless examples). But who puts out more (good) games? The Playstation''s hardware is inferior to the N64''s (except in the audio area...

Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!
----------------------------------------Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!
I read this article yesterday and found some glaringly large holes in his story. I tried to go back today and find them, but couldn't bring myself reread the article. Most of what he says is conjecture.
I'm sure that sums up Sony Corp.'s knowledge of their own industry.
Personally, I don't think of IBM as a chip manufacturer.
And lastly, he speaks on behalf of all game developers.
Now don't get me wrong, I loved nintendo when they were doing nes/snes stuff. But I haven't been real into console gaming since the snes, and the N64 isn't for me. But if a company had stiffed me in the past about game development, I wouldn't be too eager to go running back even for a more powerful system. I'm afraid that nintendo will make this wonderful and powerful system, then waste it by making mario party VIII. Nintendo seems to be aiming at kids and I think the future of console entertainment is with adults and young adults. They've had a history of censoring games and game development on their systems to please parents, not gamers.
Edited by - Jim_Ross on 2/18/00 9:56:23 AM
All Sony knows is that when you give the people the system, the people give you the money
I'm sure that sums up Sony Corp.'s knowledge of their own industry.
If I went anywhere where computers are made, and I asked who the better computer chip manufacturer was, what do you think the response will be? IBM, who else?
Personally, I don't think of IBM as a chip manufacturer.
Developers don't care about Nintendo's practices now
And lastly, he speaks on behalf of all game developers.
Now don't get me wrong, I loved nintendo when they were doing nes/snes stuff. But I haven't been real into console gaming since the snes, and the N64 isn't for me. But if a company had stiffed me in the past about game development, I wouldn't be too eager to go running back even for a more powerful system. I'm afraid that nintendo will make this wonderful and powerful system, then waste it by making mario party VIII. Nintendo seems to be aiming at kids and I think the future of console entertainment is with adults and young adults. They've had a history of censoring games and game development on their systems to please parents, not gamers.
Edited by - Jim_Ross on 2/18/00 9:56:23 AM
Why spend like $300 dollars on a final fantasy machine? Sorry, earlier response, but seriously, square has really been dropping the ball lately, paper thin characters, weak story, damn it, it''s an rpg, why else am I suppose to sit in front of the screen for 70 hours, if I want something pretty I''ll play UT. For all the time they spend on the graphics, you''d think they''d have time to write something. I mean look at their last couple of games, FF VII and VIII, and SaGa Frontier (oh, the pain, the pain). I will admit the FF tactics and Xenogears are both sweet, I play those games to death, and love the story, those are what rpgs should be (yeah FFT is strategy, but still. It just consistenly amazes me how much press they get for awsome rpgs, when the last good FF was on SNES and...
oh yeah, about the consoles... Does it really matter which is more powerful? DC is gonna be underpowered against the next gen, but it will still have a market (Soul Calibre rules). Besides, all the real hardcore heads are prolly going to end up buying all three (four?) anyway. Just pray their all sweet
Dare To Think Outside The Box
oh yeah, about the consoles... Does it really matter which is more powerful? DC is gonna be underpowered against the next gen, but it will still have a market (Soul Calibre rules). Besides, all the real hardcore heads are prolly going to end up buying all three (four?) anyway. Just pray their all sweet

Dare To Think Outside The Box
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