If you want Chrono Trigger to come to the states on the PSX, please sign the patision. It is the only way to get the great game to come to the US.
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dud you can also download the rom and a snes emulator besides it would cost to much to ship that kind of game on the playstation when it was designed for the snes
dud you can also download the rom and a snes emulator besides it would cost to much to ship that kind of game on the playstation when it was designed for the snes
It didn''t stop square from shipping FFV and FFVI for Playstation.
The PSX version that was rereleased in Japan had FMVs put in it and a new ending to tie into Crono Cross. It won''t be hard for them to bring it over to the State side because the game has already been translated. Please sign the petition. Thanks.
"The best way to predict the future is to create it." -Alan Kay
"The best way to predict the future is to create it." -Alan Kay
Just a quick question about Chrono Cross... Its about... Glenn the knight... now this couldn''t be Glenn/Frog from Chrono Trigger could it? They are both knights and have the same name...
Oh btw talking about names whats up with the name Cid in the FF games!?
Cid the scientist Cid the pilot Cid the Headmaster
hehe, anyway...
Square probley doesn''t want to release it here becuase they know it wouldn''t sell good.. I personally wouldn''t buy it.