Favourite game story genres/settings
Hey all,
Just curious what everyone''s favourite game story genres/settings are, or ones you''d like to see more of in games.
The ones I can think of are:
- Pure sci-fi
- Cyberpunk
- Post-apocalyptic
- Fantasy
- Contemporary adventure
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Steampunk
- Romance
I''m sure there are others, so feel free to add to the list.
Personally, I prefer cyberpunk and post-apocalyptic stories. Why? I just like the aesthetic each offers...
_________________________The Idea Foundry
Personally, I love the fantasy setting. I don''t care that it''s clichéd or whatever... I prefer quality of implementation over originality of idea. (Example: Tolkien''s work was not 100% original, drawing heavily on existing myth and legend, but the quality of his output was exceptional, hence his popularity today.)
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Fantasy : it is not the ''what'', it is the ''how'' that matters.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
What are some of your favourite fantasy authors/books/series?
Obviously Tolkien is one of them, as he is one of mine. And you''re right Kylotan, Tolkien borrowed heavily from both Nordic and Christian mythology, which all good stories do (borrow from mythology, not necessarily Nordic and Christian though).
Obviously Tolkien is one of them, as he is one of mine. And you''re right Kylotan, Tolkien borrowed heavily from both Nordic and Christian mythology, which all good stories do (borrow from mythology, not necessarily Nordic and Christian though).
_________________________The Idea Foundry
Fruny, I see you are a Lovecraft fan.
_________________________The Idea Foundry
I haven''t yet come across a really good romance game, probably because I can''t read Japanese to play the Japanese ones that are around. Wonder what one would be like? Could it take any form other than ren''ai? Hmm...
I basically like settings that have a non-stereotypical society and a not-too-dark atmosphere; Rama or Sanitarium would be about the darkest thing I would enjoy playing. I like both fantasy and science fiction, but I prefer the fantasy elements to work in a logical way. My favorite setting is surreal/dreamlike/inside VR as seen in the games Sanitarium and Obsidian.
I basically like settings that have a non-stereotypical society and a not-too-dark atmosphere; Rama or Sanitarium would be about the darkest thing I would enjoy playing. I like both fantasy and science fiction, but I prefer the fantasy elements to work in a logical way. My favorite setting is surreal/dreamlike/inside VR as seen in the games Sanitarium and Obsidian.
I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.
S&S...looks like maybe there''s a potential project for you. A compelling and enjoyable romance-oriented game. Hey, somebody has to be first!
_________________________The Idea Foundry
February 20, 2002 11:15 AM
Wouldn''t FF8 classify as a Romance-oriented game? I mean, by the end, the love story far surpassed all other elements in terms of relevance
I prefer Horror/Thriller I read Stephen King and Dean Koontz mainly but I've just got into Anne Rice's "Vampire Chronicles"
I'm hoping to read some more of them. So I would generally play a game that has elements seen in these books.
I hear System Shock 2 is supposed to have a horror/scifi story to it but I haven't had chance to play it.
I liked the original Resident Evil story but the old virus made zombie story is getting old.
I like *some* lovecraft stories but alot of them are just plain weird.
- DarkIce
Edited by - DarkIce on February 20, 2002 12:39:29 PM
I'm hoping to read some more of them. So I would generally play a game that has elements seen in these books.
I hear System Shock 2 is supposed to have a horror/scifi story to it but I haven't had chance to play it.
I liked the original Resident Evil story but the old virus made zombie story is getting old.
I like *some* lovecraft stories but alot of them are just plain weird.
- DarkIce
Edited by - DarkIce on February 20, 2002 12:39:29 PM
High adventure in the spirit of Haggard, Kipling, and Indiana Jones. Not being a big gamer, I don''t know if many games have gone this route, but it is one of favorite genres in literature/film.
I''m also a fan of the film noir style, but I don''t think the movies managed to fully realize its full potential except for rare exceptions, so I doubt games have a good chance of successfully adopting it.
I''m also a fan of the film noir style, but I don''t think the movies managed to fully realize its full potential except for rare exceptions, so I doubt games have a good chance of successfully adopting it.
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