
Sites as good as this

Started by February 15, 2000 10:38 AM
3 comments, last by Zombie 25 years ago
Are there some other great web sites dedicated to game development? I mean sites with message boards, where are as much people as here?
But why would you want to go anywhere else?
Seriously, I visit and as well as here. I believe both have message boards. I''m pretty sure you must register at Gamasutra in order to use the boards though.
Do you still use gamasutra''s boards, SiCrane? I was pretty dissapointed to see dozens of different topics, and no messages. Kind of think their message board died.
No, as a matter of fact, I never even browsed them. I was sort of put off by their membership required thing. I like this setup much better.
This message board is the coolest - I don''t like this type of MSGBoard that Gamasutra has...

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