
old vs. new

Started by February 15, 2000 01:06 AM
5 comments, last by Gromit 25 years ago
I thought that this might spark some emotions in some people. My system is 3 years old. P200 48ram 2 gig, 2meg video. I have not been able to buy any new games for 1.5 years because my system, well, basicly sucks. My hidden agenda is this. Should I invest the money right now to buy a top of the line system to play the latest games? Do you guys (+1 girl) believe that the games that are out now, are any better then the ones that came out >3 years ago. I have enjoyed games like Dune II, Wolf3d, LSL3-6. This basicly encompases most game types. Dune II was a great rts game - Are the new ones really that much better. I don't really care about better graphics or more flashy buttons to press. What I do care about is game play and the so called fun factor. Are they really NEW games, or are they just remakes of old ideas with flashy graphics? Wolf3D was my first look at FPS games - Is Quack.. oh sorry Quake III really that much better of a game. From what I have seen, It looks exactly like Wolf3d except for the graphics. I know that the technology is much better, the game might run more smooth and you get bigger weapons, but when you get right down to it, is it any better. LSL 3-6 - Not much can be said about this. They were just plain fun. You didn't have to think very much and they had a lot of laughs. They were great for killing some time before dinner when I was 11. I know that there are a few more games like this. The last one I played was Loom. Have these actually improved? Basicly... Will all these new games actually warrent spending two grand on a new system. Just a Note : I'm, going to be buying a system anyways, but I thought that this might be a good topic to discuss. Maybe some of the view that get expressed here will influence the creation of better games. Edited by - Gromit on 2/15/00 1:08:48 AM
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

I agree that many old games were great - and some new games are just as good. Only now a lot more games are being released so you have to sort through all the bad ones to find the good ones...
- DanielMy homepage
If my 486dx2 hadn''t stop working, i would have sticked to it ''til now. New games were bored... i mean, not much differences from the old ones.
I like Doom2 more than Quake1/2/3
I like Heretic more than Hexen2
I like Dune2&CnC more than RedAlert&TiberiumSun
....except for 2 not-so-new games: Starcraft & NFS3.

"after many years of singularity, i'm still searching on the event horizon"
FPS''s aren''t really my thing, but I have to say that the newer ones do add a little more something over Wolf3d, even if it''s just blowing up your friends (or your little brother ).

RTSs I think have improved in the past 3 years. Not so much the technology has, but the people behind the technology have gotten a better grasp on what makes a good RTS. ex: Warcraft and Warcraft II were only so-so games for me, but StarCraft I played near non-stop for a good year. It wasn''t that the technology was better, but that the interface and game balance were so much better.

And heck, I still play nethack.

So, if I were upgrading to play flashier games, I would say it isn''t worth it. However, I upgrade so I can play better engineered games.

Oh, btw, Al Lowe is releasing a new LSL soon.
If you were not going to overhaul your system I think just upgrading your video card would be a good enough investment. Voodoo2/TNT cards have dropped a lot in price and you would find that you are able to run more recent games than you can at the moment.

If you are going to upgrade later on, then you will probably want to upgrade to a 2D/3D AGP combo card so investing on an P200 PCI 'add-in' now might be a waste of money.

In my opinion, MOST of the games are the same as they ever were just with better graphics, but there are definitely exceptions. Half-life didn't become game of the year by cloning Wolf3D. Also, System Shock 2, and Omikron go to show the enormous effort developers are putting in to games these days.

There have definitely been advancements which are worth upgrading for but you will have to play a lot of demos before you find the ones which stand out for you.


Edited by - paulcoz on 2/15/00 1:41:14 AM
There are more crappy new games than good ones.

QuakeIII - Quake is really a stupid game if you play it single-player. Multiplay is a riot though, it is a lot different than wolf3d. Trust me.

Just about all of the games in the game mags that won awards for 1999 are good. That would be a good place to start if you upgrade. The greatest thing about the new games, in my opinion, is multiplayer capability. You can make a stupid/buggy/sucky game fun if real people are playing it with/against you.

I personally long for the days when ''Starflight'' and ''Ancient Art of War at Sea'' were still on shelves at gamestores. There are some good (really good in fact) new ones though.

I agree that the new games are really great. I actually am buying a new system. The idea for this topic jumped into my head when I was deciding which components to order.

I remember playing an air combat game on my old Atari 1040 st. It was 2 players (2 joysticks) and split screen. The ground was bright green and the sky bright blue. Everything else was white low poly wire frames. The only weapon you had (i think) was a machine gun (maybe their were missles also).

Anyways, my point being... I played this game non-stop for months with my brothers and friends. It just seems like games these days you get bored of 5 minutes after you install it.

I played King Pin on my friends computer while I was looking after his house while he was on vacation. I have to say that the graphics impressed me, the sound impressed me, but I died 2 minutes into the game. After that I just gave up and went home.

Just me rambling again.
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

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