
Need ideas

Started by February 14, 2000 10:06 PM
10 comments, last by Malumake 25 years ago
I am currently a student at DeVry gettian a BS in CIS. I'm finishing up my first year (out of three). I would really like to develop video games, and would like to get an internship or part-time programming job so I can get some experience. My only problem is that I can only work from about 1030 pm to 530 am. I only know COBOL right now and will be getting into C and C++ in two tri-mesters. Does anyone have any suggestions. I live in So-Cal about 20 miles from Long Beach. My ultimate goal is to develop for the PS2. Edited by - Malumake on 2/14/00 11:29:22 PM
Check out Lucas Arts. I know they have an internship program there. In fact, it's at

Kevin Hawkins

Edited by - Khawk on 2/14/00 10:39:09 PM

Admin for

Thanx, but is a day job.
employers dont look kindly upon CIS degrees
Firhas, why? Because it''s a slack azz degree? Oh yeah, that''s right, it is.....This market that needs "IT" people so badly will eventually swing downward like everything has throughout time. When the market squezes then maybe people with real degrees(CS, EE) will get the respect they deserve and we wont be catagorized with these MCSE and CIS losers. Theres just something good in knowing that I went to school to learn how to make what these other hoards of people are going to school to learn how to use. Peace..
I''m aiming at getting an internship at a company somewhere within 3 years (excluding this coming summer). From what I heard about how tough it is, this would be one of my major achievements in college. But the question is: Will a company look more favorably on the person who has a finished app? Is having a finished app mandatory for internships? And if so, has anyone broke into the game industry as an expert toolmaker????

Not that I couldn''t do a full game :-)
Original post by Anonymous Poster

Firhas, why? Because it''s a slack azz degree? Oh yeah, that''s right, it is.....This market that needs "IT" people so badly will eventually swing downward like everything has throughout time. When the market squezes then maybe people with real degrees(CS, EE) will get the respect they deserve and we wont be catagorized with these MCSE and CIS losers. Theres just something good in knowing that I went to school to learn how to make what these other hoards of people are going to school to learn how to use. Peace..

I *HATE* it when people say something like this and hide under the anonymity of the internet. If you''re going to insult someone then at least have the balls to give your name or alias!

It''s not hard to insult someone when nobody knows who you are. If you have any guts at all then reveal who you really are. While you''re at it, tell us what you do for a living and where you went to school and what kind of a degree you have. For all we know, you''re a 13 year old kid who knows nothing about the computer industry and therefore has no right to insult the educational choices of others.


REAL NAME: Josh Harler
SCHOOL: Pittsburgh Technical Institute
DEGREE: Associates in Specialized Technology Degree (Computer Programming)
FUTURE: BS in CS after working for a few years.

See, it''s NOT hard. If you would like to flame me then do so, but don''t hide behind "Anonymous Poster".
I was going to say something, but then I realized I didn''t know if the person was being sarcastic (going with firah''s statement) or not. His statement was kind of unclear. So, I just ignored it
Original post by Anonymous Poster

Firhas, why? Because it''s a slack azz degree? Oh yeah, that''s right, it is.....This market that needs "IT" people so badly will eventually swing downward like everything has throughout time. When the market squezes then maybe people with real degrees(CS, EE) will get the respect they deserve and we wont be catagorized with these MCSE and CIS losers. Theres just something good in knowing that I went to school to learn how to make what these other hoards of people are going to school to learn how to use. Peace..

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