
A very big deal

Started by February 13, 2000 06:29 AM
4 comments, last by Bully 25 years ago
I recently aquired "Tricks of the windows game programming gurus" and I was wondering what is the best way to approach such a beast to get the most effective results. The book is fairly large. Should I learn a little bit then make a little program, and learn some more from the book then create a new program with the new knowledge but implementing what I had learnt previously into my projects. I hope you understand what I''m talking about. Does anyone else have any other suggestions. Greatly appreciated -David
" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
I''d suggest the approach you mention for ANY development book. It''s the best way to internalize and make sure you really understand what you read. When I first got started, I felt that I had so much to learn that I had to read everything I could as fast as I could, and I didn''t take time to use what I was reading. Needless to say, I''ve had to go back and reread many of those books, but the second time, I used it as I went along.
Hmm, maybe I''m not using the best way, but my way to learn is to first read generally about subject, just "read" and then start programming right away. When I''m starting to get problems, I just open the book and start looking for what I did wrong, or how to do something.

Yeah thanks.

Hey Myopic, I know exactly what you mean when talk about trying to read the book as fast as possible. I did that as well when I first started learning to program. I guess it''s just a paitence thing we have to get use to. But it didn''t take me long to get out if that habit.

" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
Read from the begining and be sure to understand EVERYTHING
and after every chapter make a program.

James Bond
James Bond
I''ve found that to take the bore out of reading the same book over again, get a couple different books for variety and extra helpful tidbits that weren''t in the other ones. You can get free books on C++ at and other places.

Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!

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