
Newbies - read this

Started by February 12, 2000 04:38 PM
7 comments, last by DarkMage139 25 years ago
I recently posted something about veteran programmers and how some of them flame newbies. Well, here''s something for all the beginning game programmers... FLAME ALERT Sometimes, when you post a question, some veteran game programmer comes up and gives you... negative feedback. Here are a few ways to keep from being flamed too often. 1. Before you come around asking questions, do a lot of work and research first. Nothing is more aggravating than a newbie posting about his new 3d engine, than he asks what an algorithim is, or some question like that. This is very important. It''ll keep you from being flamed a lot. 2. Start on small projects. It can drive people crazy when some newbie says "I''ll be making a Quake III clone in a few months", and then suddenly ask "What''s a compiler?" 3. If you''re going to ask something, check the message boards first. There are lots and lots of posts, and at least one of them should have your answer. 4. When you ask a question, be clear and specific. "I''m getting errors" is something that you shouldn''t say. Here''s what an example of what you SHOULD say: "I''m using Visual C++ 6, and creating a tile-based RPG with DirectX 7.0, though my compiler is giving me errors about "undefined identifier", on line 49, which is written extern LPDIRECTDRAW4 lpdd; Could anyone help me?" That''s the way to ask. And if you did get something like that, remember to include the .H files and the libraries. I''m sure that will keep you from a few flames. On to the next topic... GETTING YOUR PROJECT WORKING Sometimes (or a lot), you may end give up on a project, or maybe things just aren''t coming together. I have a few tips... 1. Get the design stuff together. More than once, good game ideas have failed because someone failed to write down all the design. RPGs, being complex, should always have a detailed and thorough set of documents, explaining story, technical stuff, etc. 2. You can use other peoples'' libraries and engines (if they let you), like Allegro and Genesis3D. Some programmers have this philosophy that if someone else made it, their not going to use it. Keep in mind that using someone else''s library can save you a month or so of work. You may want to read more articles and buy a book or two, because I''m moving on to: A LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT Do I sound like I''m ranting (at least in the first part)? Because I do more than criticize people. First of all, I want you to know that even though you may not be a game programming master, and sometimes veterans flame you, keep in mind that you''ve got a long path to tread, and once you arrive at the stop, you''ll be kicking butt and rewriting Quake III. Don''t let those flames get to you, and never stop coding and banging on the keyboard. "I came, I saw, I programmed." -DarkMage139
- DarkMage139
Thanks for the tips. I guess I am guilty of a few of those things (and at least I am willing to admit it).

- Moe -

Is it just me, or are rants about newbies getting just as annoying as the posts they complain about?

A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.

It is just you...

Mith, nope, it''s not just you. I''m going to start closing or deleting them. There are ample resources here telling beginners how to get started. If those don''t work, these posts aren''t going to make a difference.
Thanks for the tip

James Bond

Edited by - Martin2 on 2/18/00 12:59:43 PM
James Bond
You forgot something. DON'T USE THE WORD NEWBIE. Plus it gets on my nerves. I was new also, but just the word. You can write a post and avoid that word. Even if the question is "what is DirectX?" I've been wanting to write this somewhere and this popped up. Sorry if "sounds" like I hate newbies because I don't. I just hate the word. I forgot to say, I AM new. (to GD and Programming)

Edited by - nes8bit on 2/22/00 8:16:23 PM
Thanks for writing up the tips. I needed those. As for the "using other peoples libraries/engines" part, well, to be honest, I''d rather use my own code. I get more of a sense of satisfaction out of that.
Uh, thanks for the post. (Even though I''ve heard that.. uh... how many time now?) Anyways, it never hurts to remind newPIES (Heehee I didn''t say the word!) About that stuff. Personally, I think being a newpie is fuuuuun, don''t ask me why.


P.S. I seem to be the only one with a.. um... odd ''vocabulary''. Sorry, but I come from a few MBs that after awhile it rubs off and you find yourself saying stuff like "Zoink! Enisoc is Cosine in a mirror!" I know, it''s dumb. But it''s adicting. Troz!

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