
My rant for today

Started by February 12, 2000 01:05 PM
3 comments, last by Cloxs 25 years ago
I''m sick of people posting messages like I''m going to make a game that has a graphics engine that works similar to the Quake engine, or We hope that we can create an game that has a console that is similar to the starcraft console. Granted, these games and more have a good graphics engine, good consoles, great story lines, etc. And in my experience, sometimes it''s good to try to create something that acts like it. BUT, We don''t need 7000 quake engines, 90 Final Fantasy 8 battle engines. Come on people, get some creativity, create your own engine that works unlike any graphics engine seen before, who knows it might just be the next graphics engine that sells for 600k!!! Just try something new!! I mean, look at all the games that have gone gold. You don''t see many that look alike, or act alike(to an extent). Please, no more "Similar" games!! - Cloxs
Have you ever tried to convey an idea in words with out using visual prompts? "I''m going to create a 3d game engine which will use matrix transformations and binary space partitioning trees to keep track of the user''s location on the map. The user will be able to walk around this world and kill 3d game models which will be animated and attack." Could be all summed up in a small comparison such as "I''m creating a 3d game engine like quake".

In fact if you look at a book called "The Game Developers Market Place" it suggests that when you approach a publisher that you make a comparison between exhisting games "My game is going to be like Quake 3 meets Final Fantasy with a Diablo twist" gives the people listening a better idea of what your trying to create than a 500 word essay.

I don''t think it''s a creativity issue, it''s a way to convey your ideas to others.
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
Well i think i understand what both of you guys are trying to say. well i think just as Cloxs that its way to many clones out there and to little original game ideas..
But ist also good to have some games to compare with.
I dont think any game company are willing to offer their money on a compleatly uniqe_never_been_seen_before project.
if you get my point. =) im not that good at explaining things. Some more creativity and original ideas.
Lemmings anyone?? =)

- Mathias
I believe all engines are moving into one. In the future there will be no visible difference between engines they will all be able to handle the same graphics. So I don''t mind if people make another Quake engine.

The uniqueness is what you do with the engine. That''s where the difference will show. And that is what will sell in the future.

However, there is still a long way to go, the ultimate engine that handles everything hasn''t come up yet, and as Cloxs says: Try something new!

But in order to make something new you''ll need experience on the old so you''ll know what will work and what won''t. By cloning an already existing engine you''ll get the basics down and working. Then it''s just exchanging of parts to try to find a better engine.

This in fact is a lot like learning everything else in life, we try to copy something until we feel like we''ve mastered it, then we go on and try to make something new.

That all for me.....

Let people make what they want and stop complaining. Have you ever thought that maybe, making a clone of a game helps some people learn the basic technology, so they can make something new in the future? Even if they never make anything new, that''s them. They''ll just have second rate stuff, and if they say they are making a game similiar to Quake, that doesn''t mean it is exactly like Quake. Maybe that was the only way they could describe it. Also, who is to say that all games made with a Quake engine has to look like Quake. Let people have a chance to throw in their creative touch.


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