
Game Background for near future strategy game

Started by February 09, 2002 05:07 PM
15 comments, last by Dauntless 22 years, 10 months ago
Dauntless, that is really some very interesting and detailed geo-political hypothesizing. Well done!

In my design, I focus less on fleshing out too much of the pre-history, although I think it''s very important to go through the exercise of working these things out, even if the player doesn''t really know half of it. It will help to come up with amazing scenarios later on.

What type of game will it be?
_________________________The Idea Foundry
Okay, here''s a little more history on the various Factions within the New Horizons game world. Right now, I''m just giving the backdrop to the world so that you have an idea of what''s going on. Ideally, I will cover these main categories:

a) History
b) Factions
c) Technology
d) Origins of the War
e) Social, Economic and Cultural conditions

Military Analysis
a) Tables of Organization & Equipment
b) Styles of Warfare
c) Conventional and Irregular forces

Game Design
a) Design Docs
b) Table Top rules
c) Computer Conversion

I will also give a special emphasis on the Human Augmentation Project as it is the main focus of the both the war, and the storyline that I have. I personally don''t mind someone taking my design ideas for the game, although it''d be nice to be credited. And if someone wants to steal my game world without giving me credit, hey what can I do about dishonest people?

I have my own storyline that goes along with my game world that I WILL keep to myself and may eventually sell if anyone ever is interested. In some ways I liked the Battletech concept of an ongoing storyline that drives the game. So I''ll keep the game world and background free for the world to see, but I''m going to keep my storyline to myself. Unfortunately, the most interesting elements to my game world are actually revealed through the storyline (want to know what that transmission was about? Want to know who Ian McAlpin really is? How was FTL really discovered? What are the Ascetics and Adepts really after?, etc.) So someone can steal my gameworld if they really want, but I know that I have what will make the game REALLY unique, because I designed the game world around some concepts that I''ve only alluded to so far. Besides, I''m an open source fan, and I think monetary compensation for my hobby and passion can come about in dfferent ways.

Finally, as for what kind of game it will be, it will essentially be a 3d strategy game using 3d models. Think Shogun meets Kohan and you get a rough idea. I want a turn based planning phase followed by real time action once the planning is done. I also want the game on a truly strategic scale. As a commander, I want you to have to think about Corps that act in different theatres of operation. I envision that platoons, or possibly companies will be the smallest level of organizational control. You won''t be fighting with them all at once of course though. Also, a LOT will depend on your AI commanders, which will require some very intensive AI programming. I''m currently torn between the freeform campaign style, and a linear campaign mode. I like the freedom of being able to fight the battles when and where you chose, but in the other hand, I also like the cinematic elements that a linear setup can provide. I''m currently leaning towards the cinematic linear apprach, but I might be swayed. AFterall, I do have a pretty in depth storyline already.

so without further ado....More History part trois

The Fracture pt2:
For several reasons, namely a growing a fear of of the Free Zones and other dangers real or imagined by the NEG Defence Force, they were given permission to again resurrect the Human Augmentation Project. This was hotly debated between the military Chiefs of Staff, the NEG Parliamentary Council, and the scientst heads themselves. While it was deemed a necessity during the War of Salvation, some members of the Council and some of the scientists were questioning the need to revive the project. While some scientists were very gungho about the project, they needed to know why and to what purpose. The Council members who were leery of the project were also concerned as to what use the ProGenEx (Project Genetic Experiment) technologies would be applied for. This was partially out of a genuine fear of this advanced humans, and partially out of moralistic concern of creating what was essentially slaves to serve their masters. Some of the council debated that they should openly admit the technology they were working on, while others wanted it kept secret.

In the end, the Chief''s of Staff provided the reasoning as to why they needed the technology revived. When the truth was revealed, it was determined that the risks of hving the soldiers outweighed the greater security threat that the Chief''s of Staff had discovered. According to the Military Intelligence Reports, the Free Zones technology had accelerated at such a rapid rate, partially due to some older government research facilities that they had refurbished and were now uncovering older files. While their Intelligence could not determine exactly how far along some of their technology had progressed, it was determined that the Free Zones, in particular the McAlpine Free Zone had already been involved in their own Human Engineering technologies, and supposedly had prototype FTL engines that were of a different nature than their own.

With this new found "threat", the NEG determined that they may have to fight fire with fire. However, several key diplomats within the Igaki and Byrd districts could not condone this course of action. They had already regretted it the first time around, and did not want any part of it the second time around. Again, they were defeated in both the District Commons and the Prefecture Commons. Realizing that they were consistently defeated in political games and realizing their voice was a small minority, they would not be able to check the more paranoid elements within the NEG council. They had begun to see the NEG council as a smothering parent, one that cares about its children so much, it doesn''t allow them a chance to fail and make mistakes on their own. By building a fortress around their children, although it protects them from anyone touching them, it also prevented them from touching anyone else.

But the power and philosophical destiny implanted in the NEG council was too strong. They knew that if they had decided to break away, they would be considered an enemy of the state, much as they virtually considered the Free Zones to be potential backstabbers. To the Igaki and a few members of the Byrd political parties, the creation of a slave class was just too appaling, no matter the justification. So they decided they would do what they could. They secretly allowed several of the scientists who were also opposed to the revival of the program, a chance to create Advanced Humans that were not bound to the government with their biological dependencies. Although it was only about 20% of the project, they felt a great ease on their conscience that they did not again create slaves to serve them as Masters.

The Discovery:
The UDF Intelligence Services kept a close eye on the Free Zones and also on several key extraterrestil colonies. The NEG between 2131 to 2150 drastically increased its military spending. The NEG would play this off as a guarantee of protection against the few terrorist groups that existed, and played off against the fears of the Free Zones once again reverting to its barbaric warlike mentality. But what they could not explain was a drastic increase in the Naval Forces, as the Free Zones had no known Naval Fleets, or at least none they had disclosed to the public. The truth was that they did indeed have a small Naval Fleet, but more perplexing was that their form of FTL travel was unlike their own. It was driving the Council mad, that they didn''t know. They couldn''t wage a war without some kind of pretext, and they had an extremely itchy trigger finger if the Free Zones made the slightest move that appeared hostile.


to be continued...don''t ya hate that? I''ll really try to get this put up on a webpage that everyone can go to as soon as I can
The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." - General Omar Bradley
Yeah, a Web page would be great. Your material is really well done, Dauntless. Are you familiar with the Heavy Gear pen-and-paper RPG? It''s by Dream Pod Nine, and Activision''s Heavy Gear games are based on this license. The manuals for the PnP game go into a lot of detail to lay the geo-political background for the game world...your writing kind of reminded me of this.

_________________________The Idea Foundry
I''ve skimmed through the Heavy Gear stuff and have been influenced by it to a good degree. I much more admire their style of sci-fi warfare than Battletech which was another inspiration.

Indeed, instead of Heavy Gears, I envision ExoFrames which are very similar to Gears. The smallest are essentially like armored version of the transport walker from Aliens. It is slaved to human body movements, but has a sophisticated gyroscope to help the human balance the frame. The other ExoFrames are very similar to the Gears, in that the human pilot is located within the center body, however, I think trying to pilot it with a joystick and foot pedals is way to cumbersome, even with the help of specialized AI routines in the Gear''s little black box. Instead, I envision the pilost being enveloped in a sort of gel and connected to a life support syste, There are bio feedback prongs or jacks that the pilot interfaces with. The gel acts as a sensory deprivant, and it also negates any sort of impact concussion effects. The pilot wears special goggles that feed data much like a HUD, but through his own eyes. In many ways, he BECOMES the ExoFrame.

It turns out that this has had some psychological impacts on the pilots, as they often get either a superiority syndrome, or the opposite, they feel incredibly vulnerable when not piloting. The ExoFrames are quite sophisticated and rare, and are used mainly only in certain circumstances. The training required is as diffucult as it would be for a person today to be a fighter pilot. So the rarity of ExoFrames is due both to it''s innate complexity and the the training required.

As for the game background, if anything I borrowed more from Jovian Chronicles than Heavy Gear. Although I don''t have this game either, I liked how there were several different factions all establishing a pecking order. I always borrowed from Dune, as though I have not revealed it yet, the Human Augmentation Project have developed some pretty powerful beings...part Mentats, part Bene Gessirit, part Jedi. And although I haven''t revealed yet, just as in Dune, and to a degree Star Wars, there is a mystic/religious/spiritual overtone that guides the storyline. Most games think any religious ideas are taboo, but hopefully I''ve spun them in a direction that makes it hard to peg and is treated with respect.

I don''t claim to have anything original actually But hopefully I''ve combined different elements together to create an absorbing world. When I finally get my webpage up, you''ll start to see the cultural and political shapes of the major and minor factions.
The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." - General Omar Bradley
There are few very truly original stories. If you can weave a new tapestry from tried and true themes, you will already be able to offer more than most game stories offer. I think your backstory sounds very promising...and the attention to detail is impressive.
_________________________The Idea Foundry
Okay, here''s the homepage I''s GREATLY a work in progress, and I just wanted to throw something up for right now.

There''s lots of broken links, but come back about everyday, and you''ll see more stuff.
The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." - General Omar Bradley
Nice background story Dauntless! I am curious of how you plan to implement the story into the game or will it be "in the manual"? I''ve seen a lot of games with detailed background but somehow they never convey the story into the game properly.

::aggression is the result of fear::
::aggression is the result of fear::

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