Problem : Have to reboot after running my gl app, before I can run it again
I get an error on this line wglMakeCurrent(*hdc,*hrc)
and with a query to GetLastError() i get ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS
My delete window code is this
Dose anyone see the problem?
www.EberKain.comThere it is, Television, Look Listen Kneel Pray.
Original post by Eber Kain
I don''t think, if you look in NeHe tutorial 1, the hwn, hdc, hrc or hin variables should have the *s. Try this:
I think what you did the first time was release and destroy whatever the pointer was pointing to, rather than the pointer itself. I may be wrong but I think the above code will work
Baldur K.
NeHe actually calls ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL,0) between DestroyWindow and ShowCursor. Moreover, he only calls it when the application ran in fullscreen mode.
Otherwise, everything seems to be correct.
You should test what returns every function, but that''s a detail.
Otherwise, everything seems to be correct.
You should test what returns every function, but that''s a detail.
I do test everything, and I am not useing NeHe''s code. Those *''s are supposed to be there. I will post all my window code for clarity. It worked before I added all the pointer stuff, perhaps its not seeing "OpenGL" as a class name since its declared dynamically now, I will test that when I reboot again.
bool glhs::CreateWin(short p_w, short p_h, int p_b) { *hdc=NULL; *hwn=NULL; *hrc=NULL; //assign the width and height to variables *width = p_w; *height = p_h; *bits = p_b; //Init the display lists Init(); //Set the windows desired size (*rect).left = 0; (*rect).right = *width; (*rect).top = 0; (*rect).bottom = *height; //Grab an instance for the window if(!(*hin = GetModuleHandle(NULL))) error[0] = true; //Setup the window style (*wc).cbClsExtra = 0; (*wc).cbWndExtra = 0; (*wc).hbrBackground = NULL; (*wc).hCursor = NULL; (*wc).hIcon = NULL; (*wc).hInstance = *hin; (*wc).lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) WndProc; (*wc).lpszClassName = "OpenGL"; (*wc).lpszMenuName = NULL; (*wc).style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC; //Register the window class if(!RegisterClass(wc)) error[1] = true; //Setup device mode (*ss).dmSize = sizeof(*ss); (*ss).dmPelsHeight = *height; (*ss).dmPelsWidth = *width; (*ss).dmBitsPerPel = *bits; (*ss).dmFields = DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT; //go into fullscreen mode int errorcode = ChangeDisplaySettings(ss,CDS_FULLSCREEN); switch(errorcode) { case DISP_CHANGE_RESTART: error[2] = true; break; case DISP_CHANGE_BADFLAGS: error[3] = true; break; case DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM: error[4] = true; break; case DISP_CHANGE_FAILED: error[5] = true; break; case DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE: error[6] = true; break; case DISP_CHANGE_NOTUPDATED: error[7] = true; break; } //Adjust the window rect AdjustWindowRectEx(rect,WS_POPUP,false,WS_EX_APPWINDOW); //Create the window if(!(*hwn = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_APPWINDOW,"OpenGL","OpenGL Helper Library",WS_POPUP, 0,0,rect->right-rect->left, rect->bottom-rect->top, NULL,NULL,*hin,NULL))) error[8] = true; //Setup a Pixel Format Descriptor static PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = {sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR),1, PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, PFD_TYPE_RGBA, p_b,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,*depthbuffer,0,0,PFD_MAIN_PLANE,0,0,0,0}; //Get the device context if(!(*hdc = GetDC(*hwn))) error[9] = true; //Get a pixel format if(!(*pf = ChoosePixelFormat(*hdc,&pfd))) error[10] = true; //Set the pixel format if(!SetPixelFormat(*hdc,*pf,&pfd)) error[11] = true; //Get a rendering context if(!(*hrc = wglCreateContext(*hdc))) error[12] = true; //Activate the rendering context if(!wglMakeCurrent(*hdc,*hrc)) error[13] = true; //Show the window ShowWindow(*hwn,SW_SHOW); SetForegroundWindow(*hwn); SetFocus(*hwn); ShowCursor(FALSE); //If any errors are true write error codes bool fileopen = false, quit = false; for(int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { if(error == true) { if(!fileopen) {; fileopen = true; }; quit = true; WriteError(i); } } if(quit) { DestroyWin(); return false; } return true;}void glhs::DestroyWin() { ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL,0); wglMakeCurrent(NULL,NULL); wglDeleteContext(*hrc); ReleaseDC(*hwn,*hdc); DestroyWindow(*hwn); ShowCursor(TRUE); UnregisterClass("OpenGL",*hin);}
www.EberKain.comThere it is, Television, Look Listen Kneel Pray.
ALWAYS SetLastError(0); when a function returns ok. Windows will report erros when they havn''t happened A LOT. and it differes greatly depending on the hardware. In my app, if I don''t do this, I can accululate over 40 windows errors this way just by opening and closing the app, but the app still works without error, or memory leak, etc.
I can get everything from invalid handles, and out of memory (when I have 384mb) to insane things like a corrupt bitmap file... (when I''m not even using them yet)...
and, as I said, it differs on different hardware.
a minor thing:
write it like this:
are your hdc, hwn and hrc objects double pointers?
seems very odd to be doing:
ok... when I say 40, thats because I test after every major call..
and they sometimes even occur between calls... which is nuts (ie, GetLastError is causing an error)...
also note that nehes base code makes the exact same errors. so it is not an issue with the code, it''s a windows thing.
and they sometimes even occur between calls... which is nuts (ie, GetLastError is causing an error)...
also note that nehes base code makes the exact same errors. so it is not an issue with the code, it''s a windows thing.
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