
Console C++ to Visual C++

Started by February 04, 2002 03:58 PM
2 comments, last by Hyb 22 years, 7 months ago
I''ve taken acouple classes in my school that taught strictly console C++ applications. I understood that well enough, so I bought VC++ and was confused the minute I created a new Hello World program. I was wondering if anyone knows of any good VC++ tutorials for beginners. Any help appreciated, thanks. "Venni Vetti Vicci"
"Venni Vetti Vicci"
Just to clarify: Visual C++ is not a language. However, the Visual C++ package comes with the Win32 API. You can avoid using it if you simply creates project for the "Win32 Console". Programming in Windows takes a little more effort. See for some introductory tutorials.

If your looking to understand Windows programming
for the purpose of gaming, Andre LeMothe''s Book Tricks
Of the Windows Game Programming Gurus does a decent job
explaining the main concepts (ex. WinMain(...) and WinProc(...))

This will not touch on the Microsoft Foundation Classes which
is Microsoft''s wrapper classes for the Windows API. MFC,
however, would not be good at all for game programming as
there is a great deal of overhead you would not want and
I think it''s somewhat archaic. But that''s just my opinion
TOTWGPG only has a small section mentioning the basics of windows programming without really going into details. If you''re serious about learning the Win32 API, I''d suggest buying a book written specifically on it (such as Programming Windows by Charles Petzold or Windows 98 Programming From the Ground Up by Herbert Schildt).

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