Where do I go.....
I''m curious about how to get into Game Programming, when you are a Newbie. I am also curious about the tools you would use?
3D Studio Max runs about $3500 from what I understand and I don''t have the money for that.
So my question is, What do I do?
***"When I die, don't bury me, Just hook me up to my computer and I will live forever!"***
You can get milkshape. It''s a decent low poly, shareware modeler. The page is at http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/ .
Dare To Think Outside The Box
Dare To Think Outside The Box
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A lot depends on what kind of games you are wanting to write. If you want to be more specific on what you are thinking about doing, we could all probably offer more info for you.
Good luck and have fun!
Good luck and have fun!
If you are new to game programming I wouldn''t be thinking about 3d studio yet... learn to program first.
- DanielMy homepage
Well if you want to get into game programming. I suggest you forget about 3D Studio MAx for now .
The tools we usually use are compilers and linkers(usually VC++ or Borland C++),. And the various Software devolopment Kits, such as Win32 and
Direct x.
Then you do this:
1. Learn C++, spend at least a couple of months becoming proficent at this.
2.Then you can get some books on Game Programming. Andre
La mothes "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus".
learn the various fundementals which are featured.
3. Then it''s up to you what you want to do next.
This is just the start of getting into game programming.
" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
Thanks for your help I appreciate it I''m looking to get into Game programming and I already took my eyes off of 3D studio max it''s out of my Price range. I am studying Microsoft Visual C++ and I was just wondering about 3D first person shooters. I understand that they use graphics rendering to create characters. again thanks
***"When I die, don't bury me, Just hook me up to my computer and I will live forever!"***
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