
Where to start

Started by February 02, 2002 02:05 PM
2 comments, last by Douwe 22 years, 7 months ago
Hello I''m new in the game programming. But I''ve some experience with C++ and DirectX. Here''s my question: I want to make my own Real Time Strategy game but I don''t know where to start with the project. By the way where can I find tutorials about making a RTS game? Thanks, Douwe
Where to start?

Here, of course!

[ GDNet Start Here | GDNet Search Tool | GDNet FAQ | MS RTFM [MSDN] | SGI STL Docs | Google! ]
Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
Something important to note:
DONT do something if you can''t finish it. This may be a quote from TANSTAAFLs book. So if you can''t do it all right now, don''t do it. Start with much simpler games, such as Tic-Tac-Toe or Tetris.
Here is also another note:
Tetris is a good place to start with games, after you FINISHED dont go to another game which implements too much more than tetris. Maybe after Tetris just implement something like AI.

Also the interactive Tutorial in the forums is DAMNED good. Some books which I recomend are Isometric Game Programming with DirectX 7.0 and SAMS teach yourself DirectX7 in 24 hours.

Slowly but surely you will get to your RTS.
Thanks for the help I realise I can''t make a sequel of red alert immediatly.

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