
Web Server for Upcoming MUD

Started by February 09, 2000 03:46 PM
1 comment, last by Miraj 24 years, 7 months ago
Hi Gang, I was wondering if someone could guide me a bit on a certain matter. I''m in the process of learning about Active Server Pages and CSS (Style Sheets) for this web site I''m going to have up. It will be a home page for a MUD that will hopefully be finished soon. I apologize before hand if this is not the best place to post this question but I have really researched this on the net quite a bit and even though I have found a wealth of information there are still a few key questions that concern me. So if I''m out of line here could someone at least just point me in the right direction? Ok here goes... If I go ahead and use VS InterDev to construct my web site would I be able to use that in conjuction with a Web Host Provider (Geocities, etc...) and if so is it difficult? Or..would I be better off setting up my own server? I have NT so that wouldn''t be a problem. Then I thought, should I just go ahead and stick with a Web Host and use FrontPage or a similar program? You see, I''m a bit confused on the differences between InterDev and FrontPage as well. I know what FrontPage can do but I haven''t used InterDev much at all. Lastly, is it difficult to set up and maintain a web server in general? Thanks in advance and again sorry if this is the wrong place for this. -Miraj
It doesn''t matter which program you use to create you webpages, it should give the same result. If you are going to use ASP you have make sure the server is able to support ASP as it is the server that does all the work.

I''m not sure but I don''t think Geocities have servers capable of running ASP pages. Most ISPs doesn''t as ASP allows you to access their harddrives. So you are probably better off setting up your NT as webserver.
Ok I see.

I sort of would rather do it that way anyway. Those host type servers always make me nervous. I''d feel better knowing I have more control over it. Well, up goes NT tonight. Wish me luck. I''m open to any advice before I step into the fire! hehe.

Thanks again.


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