
Da DX Include Files

Started by February 08, 2000 04:46 PM
2 comments, last by BugSquash 25 years, 1 month ago
Okay, I have a rather recent "puter" with Win98 already installed, and I want to point VC++ to the include files for DX, but I don''t know where windows stuck them! Or how I can install them from Win98. Anyone help?
Windows doesn't ship with the DirectX include files. You will have to install the DirectX SDK to get the include files and libs.

-- Staffan

Edited by - Staffan on 2/8/00 5:05:27 PM
Oh. Thanks, I guess I''ll go d/l the SDK... ugh...

This is just an FYI, but Visual C++ 6 DOES come with the DirectX 5 includes and .lib files, and the search paths to them are already set. You''re better off getting the latest SDK, but be sure that when you set the search path for the SDK files, they appear first in the directories list, otherwise VC++ will find the older headers first.

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