
3d, 2d art for games and what to do next

Started by January 28, 2002 09:44 AM
7 comments, last by BlueAngel 23 years, 1 month ago
I''ve always been interested in game design but I have lots of questions. So lets start with this one. I have very basic programming knowloge in Basic.. but I''ve focused most of my efforts into art since I''ve always had a certin skill for it. Recently I''ve begun to learn Bryce, and 3DMax. I''d like to know if I''m moving in the right direction and what I''m missing that I should do or do instead. What should I do next? Can someone please point me in the right direction so I can stop wondering in the dark. Thanks
well, if you´re going for art you are headed in the right direction. what you should look out for however are your drawing skills. it´s always a plus if you can do a complete character, from the first scribbles to the full 3d implementation with texturing and animations.

i wouldn´t really know what you´d need bryce for, but with Max you´re definitely headed in the right direction. There is also a free Maya available, check the A|W site for info - most bigger studios prefer Maya to Max as it´s somewhat more powerful and has more features.
Thank you Hase..

Another question then.. Is there any good use for Bryce in the game world?

I want to know out of all the programs out there. what ones would you recomend I learn? If money was no object, money doesn''t matter. What would be the best to use.

Also last question.. I''d like some help on texture mapping. Can someone show me a good site. I haven''t found many yet.

Thanks a bunch you guys are a real help.
if you want to be an all-around graphic artist, master adobe photoshop and 3d studio max...
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
Bryce isn''t really used at all, since it''s a high poly landscape generator. Nothing stopping you from using bryce to generate textures tho...

but no, it''s not a modelling package, so it isn''t widely used at all...

hope this helps.
Bryce is awesome for doing prerendered backgrounds,(such as those in many console rpg''s) however.
Check out these links for some texture mapping tips.

If you already have 3ds max I''d stick with that and not purchase another program. Bryce might not be too useful for realtime graphics, but it can definitely help you create some prerendered landscapes.

One good way to practice might be to help out gamedevers looking for art for their games. By doing this you''ll not only be helping others, but you''ll learn how to work with a game engine.

Thank you very much everyone...

I''d love to do graphics for games and learn how to do new things. I''ll keep learning on my own till I''m good enough to offer my services. Or if someone thinks I can help them now let me know. Thanks again. See you around.

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