
Hard Drives

Started by February 08, 2000 03:01 AM
6 comments, last by STG 25 years, 1 month ago
Hi All, I have a problem with my computer, my hard drive is slowly but steadily failing. I need to buy a new one pretty dam quick but I don''t understand all the price differences for what appear to be similar devices. Do you think it is worth buying a smaller capacity ''higher quality'' drive or just get the biggest, cheapest I can afford. Points to note, Obviously I am going to use it for development as well as playing of games. Also I''m incredibly cheep so I don''t want to spend too much. I live in the UK so prices are going to be about double the US. Thanks for any help.

I''d buy a big cheap one, you probably won''t notice much difference, but it''ll save you a few quid (you''ll get more HDD for you''re £££ )

Buy now, HDD prices are quite low in the UK just now.

George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"

that seems to be what everybody I work with says too so I have just ordered a nice big 20 gig drive from Watford Electronics.

Stay away from maxtor drives, noisy and prone to fail.
If i were you, which im not, id go with the quantum fireball series, they cost a bit more, but in the end, the extra cost is negligible.
and man are they quiet
Well bugger me with a fish fork if I havn''t just gone and bought a Quantum Fireball anyway, which I have so no buggering allowed. (it was on offer, £9 off!!!!!!!!!! ~$15)

Ta for the advice.

What was on offer, the Hard drive or the buggering?

Sorry, couldn''t resist that one

(Who''d want to be buggered with a fish fork anyhow, give me pure hetro-sex any day)

George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"
That''s prejudice that is, you insult all fishforkasexuals the world over.

I believe that''s eaxactly what you''re looking for. "Value" drives are quite good these days. Also firahs, Maxtor makes some of the quietest and fastest drives.

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