
"Better" Processor??

Started by February 06, 2000 11:16 AM
21 comments, last by Ronald Forbes 25 years, 1 month ago
What''s the "better" processor for today''s computers? I say "better" because I''m not talking specifically about any one aspect, just the overall performance. Which one is of the best value for its price? I''m getting a new computer soon and I''d like to know which one i should invest in. And remember, like you, I''m a game programmer. I''d like something that''s geared towards programming. Download Complete. "YESSSSSS! The DirectX 7 SDK is finally MINE!! After 3 days of waiting, I have finally successfully downloaded this huge file. Now, I'll just fire up Winzip and... Illegal Fault. CURSES, MICROSOFT, CURSES!"
Athlon of course

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well right now for price i would go with a 500mhz athlon
ooh, a toughy.

You could:
a) go general and get PIII
b) be cool and get an athlon
c) go mad and wait to get some insane coppermine stuff

b is recommended.

Athlon 600 isnt that expensive, i'd go for it rather than 500.

(God, I hate this slow Intel piece of Pentium II crap im stuck with )

Edited by - Staffan on 2/6/00 5:16:42 PM
And now for a truly better idea:

See if you can find a dual Athlon mobo and run 2x550MHz. Then plunk NT 4 or Windows 2000 Pro into it. Should give you about 900 MHz or so of performance and will let you code your game to be multithreaded and take advantage of multiple CPUs. hehe... The REAL question, I believe, is are any dual CPU motherboards available for Athlon yet.
well a G4 processor is better than the afore-mentioned processors.
but if you _need_ to run windows, i guess you could go with whatever is mainstream.

Oh, and if you dont believe me, go read some books on chip architecture and design.
you said you wanted best perfomance for the price. athlons are great, but you sound like you might want to save some cash (don''t we all). i''d say go for a Celeron 466. about 40% less than a celeron 500 and less than half the price of a PIII 500. it will run anything current fairly fast. plus it can be overclocked fairly easily.
another option is a K6-3 500. about the same price as the Celeron, and about the same speed (bit slower on regular FPU ops, but much faster with 3D-Now ops)

personally i''m getting a celeron 466 very soon, maybe a 500 if i have to wait to long. i could go for an athlon, but since athlon price aren''t _that_ much lower than P3 prices, i''m going to go for the savings and upgrade other things, like bigger HDD, video, DVD, etc.

-Justin White
AIM: Just6979

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-Justin Whitejowhite@bigfoot.comAIM:"To infinity and beyond!" -Buzz Lightyear"I can only show you the door. You must choose to go through it." -Morpheus"Your mind is like a parachute. It works best when open." -Anonymous"I know Kung-fu." -Neo"Ignorance is bliss" -Cypher"My Neo!" -Neo
Well fi, G4 may have "better" "architecture", but he would have to buy a Mac to use it, and who wants to do that? Most people like to be able to use thier computer, not use their computer as a paper weight .

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