
Print Image on the screen ???

Started by January 19, 2002 08:20 AM
4 comments, last by DonatO 22 years, 8 months ago
Hy... I want to know, how can I print on the screen, an image, with c++ builder ? And where and in what format must I save my image? thx !
You should use PNG. It''s IMHO the best format. To use it, you need bread. Then insert into your code: "// What''s going on here?" and "// Where are we here?". Plus, you shouldn''t forget Up, Sub, Average and Paeth. If it doesn''t work use libpng and QBasic.

Kneelz, shut up. Furthermore, stop misleading the newbies. It''s neither funny nor appropriate.

DonatO: the easiest format to work with is either PCX or BMP. The Win32 API contains functions and structures for working with BMPs in particular. See HBITMAP, HBITMAPHEADERINFO, etc (you can look them up at

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
Thx !!!
yes, why is kneelz like that?
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He is, because this board is the worst one in the world. It doesn''t help you. So he thinks it''s a great place to spam it. Understand?


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