
building code slow?

Started by February 05, 2000 12:31 PM
6 comments, last by SigwarthSoft 25 years, 1 month ago
When i build some code i''m wondering how can i get this faster? more ram, more cpu speed, faster hd???? SigwarthSoft icq#: 62538030 Maastricht, Netherlands Stefan Sigwarth
RAM and Harddrive speed are the biggest factors. I''ve found that RAM seems to be the most important element. You definately should have at least 128MB if your compiling large projects.

oops, that was me there
Faster hard drive is also important. If you''re using Visual C++, it generates a ridiculous amount of intermediate/secondary files. Not to mention if you just have enough includes going on, you''re accessing that many extra files per compilation. Mason, in a previous thread, recommended getting enough memory to create a ram-drive and compiling on that.
Or you could defrag your modem.That always makes my system run better.

Newbie Helper

P.S. Ignore me.

All the hardware factors in your list affect time of compillation, but the best way to make your compiles faster is to break program into modules and put those modules into different files. So only those files affected by the latest changes will be compiled.

Same time you will need to organize your work or you will
finish in the tons of little files for a big project, which will reduce readability of your program.

Fariz Alikishibekov,


Make sure your power supply uses the green electrons. That helps.

Seriously, though, you should check to see if you''re having to rebuild too many files. If you make some small changes, and hit build, does it have to rebuild 5-10 files? If so, you have a dependency problem and need to break up your header files along better boundaries.

Everything helps though. Work just upgraded me from a Pent2 200-something (64 Megs) to a Pent3 500 (128 Megs). Monster screams, at least when compiling on NT.

OK, done bragging now.
Damn. I forgot the green electron part. Thanks for picking up my slack, Stoffel.

Newbie Helper

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