i agree for 14-15 being a good choice, because this should be your "targeted customer group" (im german-speaking, dont know the right phrase, but i hope i made myself clear).
will help them to sympathize/identify with the main-character.
-- foobar
my idea for an original rpg; please help
--- foobarWe push more polygons before breakfast than most people do in a day
April 06, 2002 12:02 PM
Original post by grine
The game''s set in another reality, and you belong to a race called the Twevens. You are an 11 year old named Motu,
Shouldn''t that be the eleven''s then lol
Considering that it''s and alternate reality and all, couldn''t they be living on a slow-revolving planet? So his eleven years would be like 20 or something for us. Or their race could have a much faster maturing rate, so an 11-year old would be ocnsidered adult. =)
Considering that it''s and alternate reality and all, couldn''t they be living on a slow-revolving planet? So his eleven years would be like 20 or something for us. Or their race could have a much faster maturing rate, so an 11-year old would be ocnsidered adult. =)
I only have one question, where''s the gameplay ?
It sounds like a novel but this is a game, what choices do your players have, can they change the course of this war, pilot the submarine, drink themselves into a stupor. I like the premis but I think you need to allow for your players to change things, quite important things. You need to keep them stuck to the screen trying to affect their own choice of objectives, within reason.
It sounds like a novel but this is a game, what choices do your players have, can they change the course of this war, pilot the submarine, drink themselves into a stupor. I like the premis but I think you need to allow for your players to change things, quite important things. You need to keep them stuck to the screen trying to affect their own choice of objectives, within reason.
There is a show on SCI-FI ( or was when I was in the dorm ). Pretty stupid really ( I didn''t watch it much ), but the space ship they had was intelligent, i think. If your submarine was intelligent, you could have part of your puzzles / role playing be trying to convince the submarine that: 1) it should like you / work with you / not kill you off like the original crew ( perform some feat for it, fix the engine/computer/whatever. ( On second thought, this is very stock. The submarine should want to find a mate or something. Instead of the "go here, collect item, return it to me" thing, You have to perform a matchmaking service or something odd for it. ) ) 2: that it wants to go where you want it to go. Submarines are offshoots of deep water sharks or something. It doesn''t WANT to go up to where it can get sunburned or eaten by dolphins. It LIKES deep water. to get it to land on shore consists of long hours of therapy and "you can do it" sessions.
Maybe this is cliche too, but i''m just making this up as i go.
Maybe this is cliche too, but i''m just making this up as i go.
Concerning the dream...
It would still be cliched but much cooler if after the hero saves the world or whatever he wakes up..back on the sub. Finds out they''re trapped and have like 30 minutes of air left or the bad guys come in and capture them or something.
It would still be cliched but much cooler if after the hero saves the world or whatever he wakes up..back on the sub. Finds out they''re trapped and have like 30 minutes of air left or the bad guys come in and capture them or something.
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