
Compilers, compilers, compilers......

Started by January 09, 2002 06:06 PM
2 comments, last by wikedgamer 23 years, 2 months ago
Ok, I have seen this thread probably a million times before but which compiler is B-E-S-T for programming games? Would it be Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, DJGPP, or others? wikedgamer
Personally, I use VC++6 with the Intel compiler.
Couple things.

1st - What is an Intel compiler?
2nd - Whenever I use my VC++6, I always get some sort of "nag screen" after I compile code. My borland one does not do that at all.

Original post by wikedgamer
1st - What is an Intel compiler?

A C/C++ compiler made by Intel. It optimizes much better than MSVC''s compiler (not just for Intel CPU''s either). There''s a Linux version out too.

Original post by wikedgamer
2nd - Whenever I use my VC++6, I always get some sort of "nag screen" after I compile code. My borland one does not do that at all.

You have an student or introductory version of MSVC, don''t you?

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