
Uh, hello.

Started by February 02, 2000 11:19 PM
10 comments, last by immi 25 years, 1 month ago
Hey I thought it was about time I offically introduced myself to this forum, and besides I want to shamelessly plug a recent feature on the site I work on. Anyways, I work over at and for any of you guys who are unaware of it (shame on you u bastards! ) we cover gaming art, be it 2d, 3d, or skinning. I''m immi, and I profess to having no interest in game programming at all, which i notice that quite a number of you do here. Ah well, I guess only the lucky ones are artistically endowedl, and to the rest, God gave programming. Ha ha. In any case, to the point of this post. We just up a really cool article, at least in my opinion, on artist Danny Geurtsen. Even if you couldn''t give a flying monkey fart about art in general, I encourage you to check it out, because he has done THE best picture of Lara Croft you will ever see. Really, even if you''re not a Lara fan, you will change your mind. Check it out here: Ugh, thats about it. Except I''m really tough, so if you don''t check it out, I''ll beat you up or something...or draw mean pictures of you Later Dave
Well, I''m not interested in Tomb Raider anymore but that is a pretty good drawing - it''s certainly better than the artwork they have on the game cover - Lara actually has a proper face instead of looking like one of those blow-up rubber dolls.

Wow! I agree, that picture would have taken ages....
- DanielMy homepage
Ah, crap. I forgot to mention I don''t give a kangaroo what you aussies think. Hee hee. J/K. Thanks for the comments guys, I like to see what people thought. Did you guys take a look at the pictures at the bottom of the feature? they''re pretty sweet as well, especially that "angelic particles." Man, that one really had me drooling.
I''m from Australia. My first reaction was saying "My God!". Followed by "That is good!" followed by "It looks so real!". Makes me want to come to 3dpalette more often to try my hand at art... even though I already do...
JeranonGame maker wannabe.
Yep - really amazing pics

Edited by - Melo on 2/3/00 8:21:41 AM
I can''t believe that was drawn with photoshop...amazing...

Immi, did Danny use a real life reference model for that picture (or any part of it)? If so, what''s her phone number...she''s mine!
------When thirsty for life, drink whisky. When thirsty for water, add ice.
Ummmm. HOLY CRAP! That is sweet. Nice UZIs.

I should have been an artist.

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