I thought it was about time I offically introduced myself to this forum, and besides I want to shamelessly plug a recent feature on the site I work on. Anyways, I work over at www.3dpalette.com and for any of you guys who are unaware of it (shame on you u bastards!

) we cover gaming art, be it 2d, 3d, or skinning. I''m immi, and I profess to having no interest in game programming at all, which i notice that quite a number of you do here. Ah well, I guess only the lucky ones are artistically endowedl, and to the rest, God gave programming. Ha ha.
In any case, to the point of this post. We just up a really cool article, at least in my opinion, on artist Danny Geurtsen. Even if you couldn''t give a flying monkey fart about art in general, I encourage you to check it out, because he has done THE best picture of Lara Croft you will ever see. Really, even if you''re not a Lara fan, you will change your mind. Check it out here: http://www.3dpalette.com/features/danny/
Ugh, thats about it. Except I''m really tough, so if you don''t check it out, I''ll beat you up or something...or draw mean pictures of you
