
Confused(Opengl or DirectX)

Started by January 08, 2002 12:02 PM
-1 comments, last by Buzz82 22 years, 11 months ago
i have decided to start games programming .I have 1 year experience of C and have programmed simple games like paranoid and nibbles and a drawing utility similar to MS paint and now a days i am learning C++, but i am a little confused over the choice of an API.I don''t know which one is better opengl or directx.I started to learn opengl 1 month ago but now i am stuck because many said that as far as programming games for windows is concerned u should use directx and some said that there is no harm in using opengl as it is compatible to many platforms and is as good as directx for windows game programming.Please help me as i am really very confused about this matter.Please also give me a rough idea on the percentage of commercial games made in opengl and directx. Reply me keeping in mind that i am a newbee.Also give reasons for your suggestions.I''ll be grateful

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