
Adult Material and Gaming

Started by January 01, 2002 11:11 PM
28 comments, last by Tab 23 years, 2 months ago
Original post by Oluseyi
Damn Republican ;P (fortunately he speaks for himself)

Man, I had you pegged as an independent.

How is the current consensus on games containing adult material? Hollywood can have their high-budget films like Basic Instinct or Eyes Wide Shut and not only get away with -- but succeed -- at marketing medium-core porn to the masses.

Sure... if you can find some big name people like Will Wright to produce the thing. As for the rest of us little shrimps, fat chance.

The keyword is "interactive", not "porn", and not "story". So that also means adding a great awesome linear storyline and dialogs that could rival FF's would actually benefit the game to sell a tiny more only. And that is why Leisure Suit Larry died out.

Funny thing is I can actually name quite a few H-games that are more fun to play than Dai____.

Edited by - mooglez on January 3, 2002 6:03:45 AM
-------------Blade Mistress Online
<< Is it ok to realistically portray violence in games but not sex? Violence is the biggest problem in our world, not sex. >>

I think violence has done a lot of good things for society: World War I, World War II, every Superbowl...
Both violence and sex have affected our societies in dramatic ways. If it wasn''t for porn, the internet would probably still be a small university network in the US
To the original poster... I think you need to find a girlfriend or someone you can have a "serious adult" relationship/theme with. If your looking for self gratification in games, I think your looking in the wrong place. Go buy a magazine or a video... if it turns you on to watch little cartoony animated figures screw eachother... then I think something went wrong with your childhood...

What would you do if PacMan started screwing Ms.PacMan? I''m sure if would be hilarious for a second, then it would get very old.

I play games to escape reality. To go into a new world. adding sex to games if done in the "porn" sense is tastless. RPG games like Fallout have some elements of sex but they are not tastless. Baldur''s Gate would not work well with that theme.

So I take it you want an updated version of Liesure Suit Larry, with more graphically enabled cut scenes and pornographic audio/music?

Sierra''s intent was never to make a porn game. It was a joke. Hell Space Quest and Kings Quest are much better adventures with a sense of completion.

take it or leave it.

the original poster never said he was looking for "porn" or "self-gratification". don''t be so quick to start questioning someone''s "girlfriend-having status" or their childhood or their masturbatory habits based on what other posters said in reply.
just as a pointer, if you scroll down while replying the original post is right below what you are typing; reading this before clicking "reply" might make you look like less of a fool.

--- krez (
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
No joke, Go buy or rent a porno. If you want to watch polygons screwing, just go make some paper cutouts and animate it yourself.

Who would want a game where you''d only play 5 minutes, wack off and then get bored, or sleepy. heh, sounds like a hard game to finish.
XanGame ProgrammerVolition Inc.
The real question is what adding adult content to a game would do for the game.

I don''t think that it would do much for the game. Sure, it would add a little realism, but if you think about it, sex isn''t usually that ''out in the open'' in normal society (at least here in the Americas), violence is to some extent.

Movies put it in to deal with complex issues in ways that will garner them the uber bucks. You think that putting a little T&A scene in a game is going to do much for it? Nope, it will probably kill your game if you''re not careful.

Yeah, it wouldn''t bother me to see some T&A in a game, but I could buy some adult DVDs if I''m going to buy a game for that.

Sure, I like the tongue-in-cheek tease that I get behind a wood elf in EQ and in many other games where sexuality is emphasized, but I don''t really want to see sex in any game. It''s (sex) not really a spectator sport, IMHO.
Remember video games can be created like movies. Some good and some bad. I think sexuality into a video game can be good, but just ranchy stuff will not go anywhere. I am sure there are ranchy games on the 'net, but I guarantee they are not making someone rich off of it.

sexually suggestive material is good especially for some character development, but I would not base a whole game in just sex.

Edited by - GoofProg on January 3, 2002 1:45:14 PM

The nightmare travels across the cosmos with his burning mane. The trail of ash that is produced.

?Have a nice day!?


I never said anything of the sort. I think you take everything out of proportion. Coming from someone with who posts things like this. I can see why...

I was merely commenting on why todays games are good the way they are. To the first poster, you have my apologies, as this was mainly directed at this topic in general. though movies and games are really still 2 different productions. Movings can get away with more sexual content, becuase it is based on real people, relationships, drama, romantic comedy, love... while, most people still find it hard to relate to a polygon-based lifeform. (i.e. the final fantasy movie was just a fancy demo reel... her eyes didn't even tear up.) People relate to people. not machines.

take care.

p.s. and not to mention, krez, your Robot Alien Rape Quest? thats pretty pathetic.

Edited by - digitaldirt on January 3, 2002 2:08:42 PM
Why would the sex in games have to involve polygonal models? I remember old strip poker games for the Amiga, and even earlier computers, that just used digital photos.

I believe the success of adult-themed games has a lot do with markets, in the US an overly sexual game is not likely to reach any wide distribution for political reasons and in Germany an overly violent game is likely to be banned. In Australia they seem to ban everything (judging from their censorship laws against online sexual content and their recent ban against GTA3) while they seem to be very fond of sleeze in Japan (an article about a successful arcade game where you poke a fake finger up a fake ass:,2101,48438,00.html ).

Ernest Adams wrote two articles on the subject for Gamasutra and at least he seems to be taking the subject seriously.

Edit: Rephrasal

Edited by - HenryApe on January 3, 2002 2:37:23 PM

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