
What kind of game would you rather play?

Started by December 27, 2001 04:30 PM
25 comments, last by sporty 23 years, 1 month ago

Same for me they all seem pretty boring,I''m sick to death of all the generic ideas people seem to want too develop these days,I mean just how many of these kind of games do we need?
I mean let''s take a step back now,....I meet a lot of programmers who throw around ideas,and they all seem to be really based on fiction they read and games they played as children (in some cases).
Of course this is a totally sweeping generalization,but in quite a lot of cases it''s true.
If you think back to early games,(I''m only 20) so for me that''s stuff like atari 2600+, mostly amiga,atari,nintendo.
People back then who made games were more creativly inclined I feel, as it reflected in the games.
If you think of just a feel old classic games like say Mario or something...I mean what is that game actually about?
It''s about a portly Italian plumber with adodgy tash,who goes around levels made of floating bricks,jumping on the heads of various underscrible creatures to kill them,while eating mushrooms to get bigger,and all to save a princess from a 1000 pound lizard!
Now the funny thing is,I don''t see many games like that anymore...In fact the real funny thing is if Mario didn''t exist and I came in here and posted that idea I''m sure a lot of you would flame it,and not really here...but more so in an actual company.
Everyone seems to have a very low regard of design like it''s easy! that seriously get''s on my tits...Grrr
Good gameplay creation requires a very special kind of person,
who can piece together everything very quickly and realise bad ideas in a second.
You may also think that making a good idea,just involves that one moment of drunk brilliance playing PC,when you hit on an idea,but a good designer will constantly be evolving this "idea" into a game.The reason I love game design so much is not because
I want too play games 24/7,or because I want too get rich quick or anything like that.
It because nothing in the world gives me more satisfaction,than when I come up with a brilliant inital idea and then sit and think about it and then start to really appreciate the possibilites. (Or as me and my friend say....."Oh my god man,think of the possibiliiitaaaayyyy!"......"I know")
sorry inside joke .
It literally makes me hyper,I start to lose control of my breathing when I get really good ideas when i talk to someone about them,because I literally can''t stop talking.I love that,I love how alive I feel when I come up with something that literally no one else has ever thought of.
THIS is what you need as a designer,plus many other skills.
Perception,duducment,analysis but overall you''ve got too be quite nuts and generally I believe have a very enthusiastic personality......this is probably rubbish but all the people I''ve met have been like this.
I''m not even really directing this towards this post,it''s just this is something that''s been on my mind at this post seemed like as good a place as any to put it.
Basically what I''m trying to say is,you need amazing ideas these days,not good ideas.
I think more of you should probably start analysing a wider variety of entertainment,look at different things.
I''m going to say something else.
In my experience you''ll find communities who gather over one topic, will also have a great many similar intrests in others.
It''s due to personalities developing the same way with the same sort of stimulus.
Now I believe a lot of programmers I''ve met seem to have very similar tastes.
What ever the reason is.
think about it,because a lot of you seem to be talking about huge blockbuster 3d MMO games e.t.c.
Or at least something which is going to occupy a large amount of your time in the hope of projecting you somewhere,but who says you''ll ever be able to sell it?

Just some ideas......I''d really like to meet some peeps,who actually are interested in what I''ve said and are fed up themselves with generic niche gaming.

I''ve noticed as well you guys are really into punctuation and spelling.
I guess that''s understandible,but I can''t spell for s**t and I probably didn''t get the support or the education you got,
anyway I''m not getting much response out of these long posts.
So I don''t really care.
"There's so much to do, and a lot of you are wasting time.This is ART dagnammit! get creative or get buried."
That''s just plain awesome. In all honesty after perusing the forum for the last half-hour your post has wholly impressed, and more importantly refreshed, me after all those damned flame wars and aimless arguments. Rock on Muzikus.
WOW! just realized what an opium trip mario really is on! hes really probably a poor plumber smoking weed, to forget the fact that his life sucks, and we get to play his delusions, I mean, the guy eats mushrooms for God's sake! and think about it, everything in his world, mario's world, is very fantastic, nothing is really normal, but he is just a guy, a normal guy, with a normal job, he is in disonance with the whole world, he should be some sort of knight, or something like that in order for the game to make sence otherwhise, but he is not.

sorry for the rant and the off topic

Edited by - kwizatz on December 27, 2001 10:43:02 PM
My mistake, an anon poster posted in support of idea #1 and I deleted it by mistake.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
I''d go for number 3. Mainly, ''cause that is what I am creating as well

-Maarten Leeuwrik
"Some people when faced with the end of a journey simply decide to begin anew I guess."
#3 because space is cool !

I miss StarGlider2
-------------Ban KalvinB !
The reason that I can''t decide is that you haven''t told us anything about
the games. You''ve just said, ''I''ll make a <RPG | Strategy | Space Trader>,
but... uh... it''ll be really, really good!'' With what you''ve told us, we
can only answer as to what our favourite genre of the three is.

> Btw anon-poster..want a non-generic game? Would you like to play a game in
> which you''re a lumberjack and must cut down as many trees as possible in
> order to create a super wooden log cabin to stop the evil forces of
> UNKa_nO3, the hideous hairy legged monsters?
> Yes, because non-generic games like those are just the BEST!

To be honest, I think that this could work. Kinda reminds me of The Horde.
Or maybe Rampart.
Nice post Muzikus.
I''ve recently been struck with a pretty incredible initial idea for a game and I think I''ll start fleshing it out some more now =)
Ah yes..this part is definately the most fun.
hehe,good luck.
As for the people that are doing #3,I''d have to say an Elite type game is probably the least done.
I''m not saying these sort of games are rubbish or anything,
It''s just I feel there is little new stuff left with these games,
If there was some sort of major new twist than maybe I''d like it.
I''m just trying to give reasons as to why I think these ideas are common.

Hehe thanks Kordova as well,don''t worry I will........ |_|.
"There's so much to do, and a lot of you are wasting time.This is ART dagnammit! get creative or get buried."

Play Battlecruiser Millenium. That brings a lot of new stuff to the table.

(First one to rag on DSmart shall DIE!)

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