
Poll: MUDS

Started by January 30, 2000 02:55 AM
11 comments, last by Vlarr 25 years, 1 month ago
Hi Everyone, I''m conducting a poll and am very interested in what you all think of this subject. The topic is MUDs and I just have a few questions that I''d like your opinions on. For the most part (at least from my experience) MUDs are usually free to play without charge. There are a few exceptions such as GemStone and perhaps a few others that I can''t quite think off the top of my head. My first question is: Would any of you actually pay a monthly subscription to play a MUD? If so, what would it take? What I mean is, what qualities would it have to encompass in order to pledge that kind of dedication? Thirdly, and I guess this ties in closely with the first two questions, in the vast market of beautiful (and even sometimes emersive) 3D games do you think MUDs hold a place in there somewhere? Or do you think MUDs are destined to become merely a shadow of the past? Lastly, what do you like about them and what do you dislike of them? Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond. ~Vlarr ICQ # 50607306
I love muds, but I wouldn''t ever consider paying for one. I have been playing a mud now for just about 3 years, and I haven''t yet become sick of it. I don''t think muds will ever be completely forgoten.

Whats a MUD?
------------------------------"My sword is like a menacing cloud, but instead of rain, blood will pour in its path." - Sehabeddin, Turkish Military Commander 1438.
MUD: Multi-User Dungeon, one of a family of multi user text games (MUSH, MUX, etc..)

Text-based online multiplayer games, they have been around since the dawn of the internet. Extremely addictive, the reason thousands of college kids fail out :->

I actually played in a MUSH (Elendor, tolkien themed and quite successful) for 5 or 6 years (still pop in to visit with old friends from time to time..)

MUDs are dead to everyone except current addicts. I can''t see why anyone would play one now. Their time has passed.
are they just pure text??
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
I belive MUD will have to master new technologies to become popular again.

MUD has not changed for is time for a good face lift! The MUD idea is good (and time prove-it) but if no one make them evolve...they will fade out!

Macking a new MUD game with new technologies is a good game idea ;-)

Im sure MUD addict will like to see it evolve....and it will bring news players!

PS-No i will not pay to play a MUD (if it is only text based)
MUDs will die the same day IRC does. And I don''t see either of them kicking the bucket soon. Despite being text-based, both continue to pick up new players/users on a daily basis. Because the text nature of the medium isn''t the reason why people find it fascinating. It''s the people they meet playing the games.

However, in their current form, I don''t think you could successfully charge for a MUD (or, at least, not charge *much*). Though you might be able to get away with it if you have top-notch writers and coders for it. Also, you would need to address issues such as stability, cheating, and player killing, all of which are issues preventing the growth of most new MUDs.

Samu Games
MUDS were fun at a time when the internet had those mediocre 14.4 and even 28.8 connections. However, why play a text based game (even with those ANSII enhancements) when you got these great 3D graphical games? And to pay for a MUD...that''s almost like paying for tap water! MUDs are fun, but the hay day is over for them...kinda like ATARI. Still fun to play every now and again, but wouldn''t totally go for just them. I played and even hosted and MUD and several MUSHes. I was in Elendor also...good times ;-)

Original post by LostSoul

I love muds, but I wouldn''t ever consider paying for one. I have been playing a mud now for just about 3 years, and I haven''t yet become sick of it. I don''t think muds will ever be completely forgoten.


I''m not a MUD expert but it seems to me that games along the line of UO, AC, and EQ are simply the evolution of MUDS to a graphic content with larger worlds. While I''m sure Origin and the rest make a pretty penny off of their online worlds I didn''t have a problem paying a few bucks (I played UO for a while before I realized I just didn''t have the time to make it worth my while). The amount of cash these folks have to pay for bandwith, high end servers, and engineers is no doubt quite large so they deserve to ask a little. Granted this is a bit different catagory than the old style text MUD. I may be going of an a tangent a bit but I still consider them an evolution of the old MUD even if the older style is still alive and kicking. As for the older text MUDS, as I said before I never got into them. However, even for them, I admire the folks who can find the machines, time, and motivation to offer their games for free.

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