
Psuedo code for projectile.

Started by December 21, 2001 08:57 PM
1 comment, last by Tszafran 23 years, 2 months ago
Hi I am trying to create a Cannon Fodder type game, (where two guns are placed to fight against each other) and you enter the Power and Angle of your shot. I was wondering if anyone had some simple to understand psuedo code for the projectile motion.
MSN Messenger:
Okay...I''ll try to keep this simple as one could easily overcomplicate it...

Just so we are on the same ''page'' I''m assumeing that the game is a 2D side view Worms type world cordinates are X and Y with X=0,Y=0 being the upper left corner...

here is the basic data structure for projectiles:

locationX = horizontal screen cord of bullit
locationY = vertical screen cord of bullit
vectorX = horizontal vector value
vectorY = vertical vector value
projectileID = indicates what type of bullit this is (nuke, etc.)
Safety = integer value, if equal to zero then projectile explodes on impact]

From the player inputed angle and power settings you calculate a VECTOR...this is the initial pathway the projectile will take.

So as the player fires the make the projectiles game location the same as the player (locationX=playerX, etc..)...calculate the projectile vector...set the projectileID...and safety value to something greater then zero...

so here would be the projectile in the game loop:

process projectile:
add the vectorX/Y to the location X/Y
check for collisions (useing locationX/Y and projectileID)
if collision
if safety < 1 then BOOM!
if safety > 0 then projectile is a dud
end if
calculate new vector by modifying it with a gravity/wind/other vectors
if safety > 0 then reduce safety by 1
end process

Just trying to simplify it a the above is more a guide then real pseudocode...

about modifying vectors:

first lets say we have a gravity vector

if our projectile vector is this at the start of the bullits travel

and the bullit is at

the first frame the bullit will move to:
locationX=101 (locationX + vectorX)
locationY=99 (locationY + vectorY)

and the vector will be modified as such:
vectorX=1 (vectorX + gravityX)
vectorY=-.75 (vectorY + gravityY)

so in the second frame we would find the bullit at:
locationX=102 (locationX + vectorX)
locationY=98.25 (locationY + vectorY)

eventualy the bullit will start ''dropping'' in an arc because it is being modified by gravity...

Thank you for the reply, I will try to get something going with that guide. Once again thanks alot, very helpful.
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