
Unity game developer

Started by December 31, 2024 09:46 AM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 2 months, 1 week ago

Experienced Full-Stack Developer Seeking Remote Opportunities!
With extensive experience in developing cross-platform applications (web, mobile, desktop) and video games, I am eager to contribute to innovative projects.
I have a proven track record of success in remote work, and I am skilled at managing my time and effectively collaborating with teams.
My skills include: #C #JavaScript #PHP #Unity #MongoDB #Firebase
#appdevelopment #gamedevelopment #fullstackdeveloper #remotework

@anouar_kld , your offer of services has been moved to the Your Announcements board. Offers of services are not permitted in the discussion forums, such as the one where you posted. Before posting again, please review our community guidelines and post in appropriate/related forums. Good luck with your endeavours, and welcome to

-- Tom Sloper --


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