help with a c program(newbie question)
I am doing a c program, console app. but everytime I run the program, the "dos" window appears and then dissapears before I can see the out put. Is there some sort of delay timer I can place in my code, or a line that states to wait for user intervention before closing.
Thanks in advance.
The only time the world beats a path on my door, I happen to be in the bathroom.
Put a call to getch() in at the end of your main function, eg:
printf("Press a key to end...\r\n");
That should leave the DOS window open until the user presses a key or manually closes it by clicking the [x] on the DOS window.
printf("Press a key to end...\r\n");
That should leave the DOS window open until the user presses a key or manually closes it by clicking the [x] on the DOS window.
December 21, 2001 02:58 PM
If you are using Visual C++ push CTRL f5 instead of just f5 when running your app.
I tried the getch() command, but it is still doing the same thing. I am using Dev-C++ would that have anything to do with it?
The only time the world beats a path on my door, I happen to be in the bathroom.
Dev-C++ is simply an IDE. The compiler behind it is GCC. The library definitions that are included with it (MinGW32) don''t include getch since it isn''t a standard function in the first place. You can use an alternative that''s equally effective through either: Running the program from a console in the first place (what I''d do) or putting a call to getchar at the end of the program (basically, it waits until you hit enter).
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[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
couldnt he just use kbhit()?
"You can observe a lot just by watching."- Yogi Berra
"You can observe a lot just by watching."- Yogi Berra
-----------------------------When men speak of the future, the Gods laugh.An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books.Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
You could also try system("PAUSE");
if you use this method, include stdlib.h
if you use this method, include stdlib.h
Original post by clrscr
couldnt he just use kbhit()?
That isn''t any more standard than "getch" is (no, I don''t think it is supported by the GCC+MinGW32 setup either).
Original post by m0rte
You could also try system("PAUSE");
While, yes, he could, that would be bad practice. Relying on the system''s command line parser isn''t a good idea. In general, it''s a bad habit to pick up

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