Hello, I'm writing here because I have a problem: for some reason my YouTube videos are not showing up in my blog posts. What could this be related to?
YouTube videos are not displayed on my blog
Any other details? Tested and not seeing this issue when pasting the link. I also don't see any youtube videos in your blog.. more information would help understand what is happening.
Admin for GameDev.net.
@khawk Here's a screenshot of one of my blog posts. I went to the edit section, and even now the video is saved there. But it's not displaying for everyone.
Let's go in order. I create a new post and put the video through this button, then publish the post, and for some reason the video is not displayed:

Have you tried just pasting the link into your blog and then hitting Return?
-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com
I'll look at why the menu option isn't working. As Tom mentioned, pasting the link is another method that is known to work.
Admin for GameDev.net.