
Looking for team members (free to play 3d game)

Started by September 18, 2024 12:10 PM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Looking for a helpful team to come together and build from the ground up a new 3D Pokemon-like game.

New battle mechanics would give the player a feel of a 3D version of super smash brothers mixed with NFL Street2 (sounds right in my head)

At the moment I am writing the story for 2 different player options. It will be an RPG with a Player Attribute/skill based system as well as a new way of training and leveling. The New in depth player vs player battles will be the “hype” of the game and the other option- a new take on exploring a wider map of the World as well as game play that differs from Pokemon battles (think Pokemon stadium mini-games) but allows the player a new way to explore the map as opposed to following the levels of trainers and gyms.

At the moment I am looking for the following positions:

Game designer. Level designer, and UI/UX designer

Engineers and programmers for game play mechanics, NPC AI, Visuals and rendering graphics

Artists: 3D modeler, texture artist, animator, and technical artist

I understand there might be Trademark issues and in regards to that if you choose to work on this game it will be unpaid. This is a passion project at heart. There is no hard dead line, no mandatory hours per week worked. I do expect you to stay in the loop but obviously life comes at everybody randomly. I ask you hold a professional ability in your craft that is all. As far as publishing and licensing when that time comes I will move forward. At the moment once we have an agreed upon Full Team an e-sign contract will be given out. It will be a simple contract stating you had a part in creation and if the game makes money you are entitled to a percentage of the profits.

Any other questions feel free to comment, if your are interested and want to discuss more in depth I can answer here, but it would be better on Discord.

dcody168 said:
I understand there might be Trademark issues

Don't violate any trademarks, and you'll be fine.

This thread is moved to Hobby Project Classifieds. Recruiting is not permitted in the discussion forums.

-- Tom Sloper --

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