Blackberry said:
Why didn't you expect it to end? The goal was simple, help all the animals, the goose was the last animal, you just helped him, it's over, how is the not clear!?
It may be clear, but it is not satisfying.
As i imagine it, the worst case of your progression would be:
Save the Pandas
Save the Gorilla
Save the goose
But it can happen in any order, as the player decides.
Which is the poi9nt where i start to think it's like an RPG. And here we could sum it up like so:
There are 3 quests in the game.
Compelte them in any order, and you're done and win.
But becasue thios lacks a final achievement, depending on completition the 3 quests, so i'm not satisfied.
If there is a final achievement, e.g. you, panda, gorilla and goose joining forces to defeat some common threat, or building some boat together to escape the iseland, … Only then i'm satisfied with the ending.
Now i guess your case is not the worst, and your quests are partially ordered and related, but my concern still stays the same. I use this example of independent RPG quest only to illustrate my point better.
In any case, you need a proper ending if you tell a story. An open ending, leaving questions unaswered can still be good for example. But an abrupt ending after completing all sidequests is bad. And by increasing player options, we also create a tendency to degrade all our quest into sidequests.
So my concern comes from the assumption that you do increase player options. Meaning there are multiple ways to save the gorilla. If the player has more options, he becomes more creative on solving the problem. This way the problem is no longer the focus, but the solution. By removing focus from the problem, we also remove focus from the backing story explainign and connecting all those problems or quest, and so they start to feel like sidequests.
That's something you can counteract by making the story stronger. But you intend the opposite: You want to cut the story climax, althoigh all those point and click adventures you think of use and need such climax even without player options.
Blackberry said:
…….yeah this is a simple story, not some layed thriller, but so what!?
Simple is fine. But missing a climax, it is incomplete.
That's at least my impression.
Blackberry said:
…….instead of just repeating over and over again “if you don't do it properly, it will be done properly” why finally address the topic of the thread “How could game befit from more complex.intetactions with the environment?”
I do not understand the first part at all. Makes no sense.
For the second, read the thread title you gave us. It's nothing about “How could game befit from more complex.intetactions with the environment?”.
If you want to discuss this topic in general, independent from your specific game idea, make a new thread and st the title accordingly. Or ‘properly’, if you like that better.
I'm done here. It's turning cicles around confusion and pointless self defense.